Skyguard range

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FGurce, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. FGurce

    The range on the skyguard seems to be unlimited. I had 1 shoot my liberator down. He started shooting me when I couldn't even see him and then as I turned and flew away he continued to hit me. I was halfway across the map from him when he finally killed me. I know they don't fly and no way he kept up on the ground. And since there are no hackers in this game I must assume skyguards have unlimited range.
  2. Krokozor

    oh welcome to planetside. skyguard can deal some damage if it see you. air vehicles render from 1km so good luck.
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  3. Tiedemann

    Half way across the map? I really don't think so with the render distance we have in this game. One hex away can work, but further than that is usually not visible to me.
  4. KenDelta

    Half way across the map ? that's like getting shot from the north indar warpgate while you're at the crown...
    Even as a figure of speech their range isn't THAT insane.
  5. CNR4806

    Skyguards have painfully slow shell velocity (for an AA gun) and a massive CoF that renders it rather ineffective over long ranges. You're doing something wrong if one killed you from 1km away.
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  6. Demigan

    Did you ever see the amount of leading you need at 300m+ even for a Liberator? Did you ever see the awesome amount of COF you have at those ranges?
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  7. Krinsee

    SG is very balanced, You were probly getting tagged by many different AA sources. Also, we SG drivers are sneaky little buggers and don't always fight at the front.
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  8. ZomboWTF

    The Skyguard has a very Big CoF and is worse at range because of that and the damage dropoff it suffers,

    And seeing it getting wrecked by two dalton shots, or a single Tankbuster clip from a sneaky stealth Lib, i think it is VERY balanced

    I also think it's funny that SOE seems to have missed for about one year that the skyguard can legitimately shoot straight through base vehicle shields...

    Gotta love it when MBTs stand before the gate thinking "What the hell is shooting at me, and why isn't that lightning behind that shield trying to pop out and give me XP?"
  9. Allin

    Skyguard is a great tool for any closet cheater, as it's spread naturaly hides aimbotting. I'ts impossible to track a target from max distance, becasue travel time of rounds is slow enough so you can make two direction changes in that time YET apart from normal, very good Skyguard drivers there are some that still 100% accurately hit you when you fly straight for even just one second, even if they have no vehicle marker rendered, not to mention model itself. After hundreds of hours you see the difference when someone is foul-playing SG or AA turret, it's clearly different than normal behavior - and as much as it's somewhat possible to long range Liberator with SG (although the damage you deal is laughable then) - it's not really possible to track an ESF that even your game does not show you any indications off. And they still do.

    Also more than a hundreds of times, I've unloaded two FULL magazines of SG into a liberator, flying low, all hits connected, to only see him smoking. So getting killed in it from afar is really really far from possible, unless there were like 3 SG shooting you.

    And finally bullet speed buff for small round non-flak AA weapons, and no real bullet speed buff for SG. Logic - They don't use it.
  10. Flag

    At most they have 1 000 meters range, as they still follow the rule of they have to see (read: render) their target if they want do do damage.

    Still quite the distance, but it's not infinite. And that range is only for the lib and gal (I doubt the Valk will have the 1000 meter render, probably 800 like the ESF).
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  11. Scudmungus

    Every time I rip down another brave air-jock with my Skyguard.
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  12. RavenCZ

    Skyguard is very storng vs ESF only one can block one or two fighters and they can just run away without chance to destroy him . And if you have two or three skyguards on one place it becames no air zone .
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  13. Peg

    Are you serious?

    It takes 2 and a half clips to kille a liberator with a SG. That includes two four second (?) reloads.
  14. Bixli for myself skyguardin' ..i usually shoot another clip empty afterwards , even if the lib or whatelse is a short while ago out of rendering/visual range ...half of the bullets keep hitting further & that's sometimes clearly the end for that paperplane.

    ..i noticed keep tracking for planes is extremely essential for a skyguard. many average pilots are empathic foreknowing , you can really smell where they go for to repair/dodge/hide or emergency lands.
  15. Bixli

    ..well , 2 decent esf-pilots are very able to outplay 1 skyguard , if they know how to. & there's a lot good pilots out there. but in general , yes , i agree.
  16. Peg

    For somthing that's only job is AA I think the SG is a bit underwhelming to be honest.
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  17. Ripshaft

    Skyguards are quite weak at range, their effective range is actually pretty small - any competent skyguard user will wait for the target to close into their range before opening fire. Additionally you might be aware that there is travel time on projectiles in this game (they do not hit instantly), you can use this to your advantage by moving in a less predictable manner (ie dont fly straight!) and you're extremely unlikely to be hit for any significant amount by flak at any respectable range.

    Also when you're getting hit you will notice red semicircles pop up around the centre of the screen, these correspond to the direction the damage originated from - for your account to have any semblance of truth it would have to be the case that you started getting hit at maximum range by a relatively nooby skyguard user, and then continued to charge at the skyguard, going directly over him and then off into the distance behind him all while he shot you. As a general rule you do not want to fly into flak, as it makes you an easier target and will increase the amount of damage you take. Your best bet is to travel laterally to the flak, with variations in lateral movement to make it difficult to hit you.
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  18. Bixli

    ...really ? .. i find the skyguard is clearly the most effective & successful a2g-unit where it's just need 1 player (beside stationary turrets ..but there's no mobility & only the burster-max or heavy assault can be as more versatile as the skyguard for 1 player occasionally ..and don't forget 'bout half of time out of shells/rockets most of the time ..fully certed , the skygaurd has an huge stock of ammo).
  19. redmamba

    was probably just lag, they don't have that kinda range.
    if they did no1 would dare fly :D
  20. ShockATC

    Well, the range of the skyguard is actually very high.
    But with that CoF pilots shouldnt be worried much.
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