What would people say if the Skyguard came with an automatic GtA radar? It wouldn't broadcast to friendly units but allow SGs to pick up aircraft within 400ish meters. My thought is that the skyguard has problems with Libs because most encounters happen when Libs are able to sneak up on them. If a skyguard starts shooting when a Lib starts shooting, it's game over for the skyguard. As a Lib pilot, I think that's okay because if all 3 weapons in a Lib are brought to bear on a target, that target should be in serious trouble. A heads-up fight should always go to the Lib (anyone who says differently is insane). However, such a fight is not the SG's strength (nor should it be). The SGs strength lies in medium to medium-far distances... distances where a Lib's TB is ineffective and it's secondary and tertiary weapons are less effective. If SGs can engage at their strong point (medium to far distances), the fight becomes more equal if the Lib chooses to push the issue. The problem right now is that Libs are quiet and don't show up on radar soon enough. Even the most aware SG drivers are at a huge disadvantage since attacks can come from all 3 dimensions. If the SG can pick up Libs on radar and assuming the driver sees it, he/she could start proper defensive maneuvers and open up far before the Lib can effectively attack the SG. If the SG loses awareness and the Lib is able to get in close, that's on the driver. I think this does two things: 1st, the odds still favor Libs (which they should) but they would be more equal. A skyguard that opens up early enough would probably be on their second mag by the time the Lib was close enough to shoot. I'm not saying the SG would win, but the fight would be much more interesting. 2nd, the skyguard maintains its performance stats but this change heavily increases the awareness. There are no more "WTF where did that Lib come from?" problems anymore. If you miss the Lib on radar, that's on you (or maybe they're running stealth). A good skyguard driver that can see an attack coming is a pain to deal with because they know how to use the speed, agility, and cover for defensive purposes and also able to keep fire on a target... which really makes a pilot consider whether to continue to attack or not. As a long time Lib pilot, I know that if a SG sees and shoots at us early enough, we'll never continue our approach. But I also admit that it's too easy to get close enough to where the skyguard's damage won't matter. Give SGs a chance to assess and prioritize air targets via radar and they may be able to protect themselves much more effectively and be a better deterrent. Now that I have written this, why not give all ground vehicles the ability to have GtA radar in a slot (skyguards get it automatically). Sundies and tanks can broadcast to small areas for squad/platoon awareness...
im all for it but its should be a utility slot not just a freebie for the weapon, this allows it to be longer ranged and still be balanced by giving something else up. it would be less useful to non skyguards but i could still see the occasional person using it to be aware of whats above them
Just give Liberators a nice loud roaring engine noise just like all other ESFs. Right now I wonder if they even have an engine sound in the first place. This of course would need to be added together with a "stealth lowers enginse sound" patch.