SkyGuard Idea

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WetPatch, May 6, 2014.

  1. WetPatch

    Look we all know that the SkyGuard is below par, spawning it feels like a absolute choir and has no fun factor what so ever.

    I've been thinking about a few changes that could be made.

    1: Give it a Engagement Radar similar to the ESF, it can go in the first slot the same as ESF. Make it certable up to 700 meters.

    2: Tighten the CoF slightly and it's Velocity.

    3: Slightly up the damage vs armour and infantry so it can at least defend it's self to a moderate degree.

    4: Revert the Dalton nerf it received in the balance patch. Make it pacific to the SkyGuard turret.

    I think these changes would help a lot.

    Thanks for reading.

    Oh and one last thing, buff the xp rewards for it, being a team player and watching the sky's pays peanuts, you also miss out on a lot of capping certs due to the fact ur sat on a hill being the dumb *** in the SkyGuard.
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  2. Vinny

    I disagree with all of it . Make Top armor reduce dmg from all airborne guns by a large percentage 60%-70% and the skygaurd would be fine.
  3. Halkesh

    Just make vehicules able to change their loadout, skyguard will be pulled far more.
    • Up x 6

    What if the skyguard flak increased the targets COF by 400%.

    That would mean if there is a sky guard, air cannot effectively shoot ground units requiring them to call for ground support.
    the other changes u suggest look good.
  5. MrJengles

    I like the engagement radar idea to help new players.

    As far as defending itself, I really wish it had a co-axial Kobalt used on alt-fire.
    • Up x 2
  6. Easir

    I fly a rather good amount, and whenever there's a skyguard, I KNOW IMMEDIATELY.
    Then I tuck my tail between my legs and try to run away as fast as possible, like every other pilot I've been with.
    One skyguard is a really good deterent, two will kill.
    They could use a buff, but not a huge one.
    A good skyguard'er will almost never be killed by a lib if he has good situational awareness.