Skip Tutorial?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by YoungPedro, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. YoungPedro

    So, I just made another character to play something else for a while and to my horror had to waste 10 minutes of my time doing the tutorial.

    Did they put the "skip tutorial" button somewhere else or did they remove it entirely? I looked everywhere, I even redid the character creation hoping to find the checkbox to not do a tutorial but nope.
  2. The Shady Engineer

    I started a new VS character on Friday to take advantage of the double xp weekend and I couldn't find the skip button either. I think it's gone for the time being, probably will be back next time a patch or hotfix goes through.

    The tutorial can be ran through really quickly though. Just ignore papa vanu/ rebel bonus check lady/ sergeant major's instructions and blast through the first zone, then pull a flash at the vehicle terminal and drive it all the way to the continent selection terminal.
  3. breeje

    is there not a choice to start the tutorial when you make the new character?
    a small box that you have to check off
    once your in, i know the option is sometimes buggy but i think it's a good thing there is no drop out button
    so the new players have to do the tutorial before playing this game
  4. FateJH

    "To your horror?"
  5. Pikachu

    It has been bugged for a month or so now.[IMG]
  6. Jawarisin

    afaik you can just redeploy out of tutorial
  7. Pikachu

    No you only get the tutorial as deployment option. Instant action does nothing.
  8. ReptilePete

    Its a test. You can find your way out and pass, or stay, forever doomed.
  9. Pelojian

    my advice is the just go through it, if you ignore the tutorial and bypass the part where you change classes and instead overload the gen after taking a flash the tutorial script will stalk you outside of the tutorial area and when you swap classes you'll get the voiceovers anyway.