[Suggestion] Skillless kills

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 3punkt14159, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. NinjaTurtle

    Erm because Ground to Air exists

    As long as you have bursters and lock ons (which take even less skill than anything else in the game) Air has every reason to attack ground targets

    It is not a one way street
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  2. FieldMarshall

    There is a little bit of irony.
    In both examples, someone who it attempting to pull a vehicle is getting killed by something cheap.
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  3. Tyrant103

    Unfortunately their TTK isn't less than 2 seconds as opposed to what they are fighting against.
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  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    snipers ruin good infantry fights in the open terrain. whether i am running heavy or medic with longrange weapons and try to engage other targets there's always AT LEAST one sniper who's trying to get me with his OHK boltaction from extreme ranges. then i get to cover and just hit redeploy. i can't stand being sniper fodder. usually i relocate to another fight or just pull a vehicle and farm said enemy sniper:p
  5. LodeTria

    Whilst I won't comment on the cheesyness of Terminal camping, the people saying that "it's an effective way to stop armour zergs" are having delusions of grandeur. You're not stopping any armour zerg, tanks will still be spawned regardless of how many people you kill. If you're just doing it at some 1-12 place, then all you're doing is providing the person you killed with a way to respawn at the next base behind, where you aren't and adding maybe a minute or two to them getting to the battle. If they take it or not that's up to them.

    All you're doing is cheesing some kills, not stopping armour zergs or really delaying anyone from getting to the fight in a vehicle. Stop kidding yourselves. Should this be removed from the game though? No.
  6. GoyoElGringo

    So something isn't cheesy if it's efficient? No, it's cheesy, regardless of how efficient it is. And even worse, C4 has become a staple of the class. If they removed C4 from LAs, they would have to give them something else. I, for one, would rather see the class used in a less cheesy/scrubby manner.
  7. TheFamilyGhost


    Opinion: Relax on the juvenile rage part. Take your lumps as readily as you give them, and move on. Ya died. Its a game. Get over it.
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  8. 3punkt14159

    Haha i never said that i am a skillfull player, but using a tank to kill people, thats the regular game. While sitting in my tank, everybody can kill my.

    And i never said sniping is skillles. When you get one on the battlefield, because he didnt move his *ss for seconds, its hes failer, but there is no failer when i need to take 1..2 seconds for pulling my vehicle. And if you know Howling pass, you know also that you can be snipered from the clifs at your terminal. Thats more then 100 meters and you cant see a cloakt sniper and he even can go a step back so you cant see him. So some arguments are for nothing.
  9. LT_Latency

    Spawn father back. You don't have to spawn in the combat zone
  10. Alan Kalane

    I do not think it's lame. We're at war.

    Putting mines in front of a vehicle spawn can be hard. Reason? You have to get there first. Alive. And you have to be sure someone will be using that terminal in the next 20 minutes or the mines will disappear. And even then it can be easily avoided by just checking and all your hard work can be gone in less than 10 seconds.

    Usualy I don't camp terminals cuz I don't feel like spending half an hour watching the terminal to get two kills. But camping terminals with a sniper rifle can be quite lucrative sometimes. There were times the enemies would just rush the terminal too fast for me to rechamber and some of them got away. 90% got killed however. A ton of certs and a ton of utility for my team, because I delayed the enemy tank column.
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  11. Slamz

    Snipers are basically the trolls of Planetside 2. They are almost always 100% worthless to the battle effort but....trololol!

    Sniping people at vehicle terminals: especially true. All they did was delay the pulling by about 20 seconds, if that. The spawn room is often right next to it. Usually they will get me the first time but after that I can duck behind the terminal in the appropriate direction and they end up hitting the terminal instead of me.

    As for tank mines in front of vehicle spawners, my only sympathy there is that in some bases you cannot see the vehicle spawner and going to where you CAN see it is like a 2 minute run -- you have to jump down to check the exit, and then run all the way around the base to get back in, then run to the vehicle terminal..... for those bases, I sympathize. But often I kill people where they could literally have seen the mines if they had spent 5 seconds to look over the railing before spawning their vehicle.

    I wouldn't mind seeing the "auto-drive" distance greatly reduced. (There's at least one base where auto-drive sends you straight into a rock every single time. It doesn't damage you, but it's annoying.)
  12. Alan Kalane

    Yeaaaah.Sure. Especialy when you go together with a zerg of 30 tanks and 300 infantry. Easy to kill you for those cruel infantry in the spawn room.

    You may not know this but snipers can also die. And it's actualy quite easy to kill one. Much easier than to kill a tank, I assure you.

    Okay, I agree, camping terminals is "not fair" because you can't fight back. However using tanks against infantry is also "not fair" because tanks are much tougher than infantry. So next time when you see an enemy soldier you should exit your tank and fight with honor, on equal terms,right? I doubt you would ever do that cuz that's stupid, so please don't blame me for attacking you when I have the advantage. At least you can spawn one facility back and pull a vehicle there, while I just can't avoid tanks unless I stayed at the warpgate.
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  13. Doc Jim

    You guys know what I'm going to do now? I'm going to log in and snipe terminals, I haven't done that for a while.
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  14. QuantumSerpent

    Me too. I've never actually done that. But this thread makes me want to troll sniper-haters.
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  15. \m/SLAYER\m/

    why not Skillless death, and give all credits to player for that..
  16. MarkAntony

    Go play C4 fairy after that. Some shotguns and HE help, too.
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  17. HamOnRye

    I find this and your original post amusing. Of all the things that are cheesy in the game (Pump Action Shotguns, Air to Ground ESFs, HE Shell, Mines) being nailed at a terminal is one of the most preventable deaths in the game.

    People like you are the reason why this game is being dumbed down. You come to the forums asking for a solution to this when an easy fix is already in the game, yet you are too slow to figure it out.

    Smoke the terminal, pull your vehicle and then move on. Its that damn easy.
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  18. axiom537

    These things happen so rarely, it is hardly worth the effort to even address them in this post...

    Always check the spawn area for tank mines...Sure I understand that is not always possible, but that was the unintended consequence of Infantry only players CRYING about not having walls around everything and vehicles killing them...hummm, sounds familiar.

    If a Sniper sets up in good position to deny the enemy from spawning vehicles..Good for him... I am pretty sure that is exactly what snipers are meant to do. If he kills you then you should go out and find and kill him..Welcome to planetside...
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  19. FBVanu

    Fair? What are you, 5 years old? maybe you should go through some real life basic sniper training, to gain an appreciation for the deadly art that it is, find out if you even have the snowballs to make such a shot happen...

    If a sniper is intelligent and skillful enough to get to that base, and willing to wait with patience to watch your sorry ignorant and oblivious character to waltz around without a worry in the world.. as if you were playing all by yourself, .. ..
    and then plants a perfect OHK head-shot on you.. I say give that sniper an extra XP bonus.
    What a great shot, what a great effort, Kudos, congratulations etc...

    The things that kill you most often are the things that you didn't see, didn't consider and couldn't have imagined.. but you should have.

    Welcome to Planetside2 !
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  20. K2k4

    Bringing it to their attention is the intention. Also bear in mind that they made vehicle pads a no mine zone to stop this behavior. You're exploiting a bug if you put a mine just outside of this zone and the vehicle driver had no chance to counter.
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