[Suggestion] Skillless kills

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 3punkt14159, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. CNR4806

    So instead of actually fixing the dreaded auto-drive, they suggested banning people who're using it to their advantage due to the dev's inability and/or unwillingless to do anything about it.

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  2. Rikkit

    Things a good cloaker can do:
    kill a few guys... ok nothing special about that.
    Run away from 5+ players for several minutes.

    As someone mentioned before, death means nothing in PS2, but bounding forces is always a good thing. :D
    Prepare to be trolled, and pls join me on my hiking tour around your base. We will have a great time chasing each other i promise :D
    Look to the right, Pick some flowers, and don't forget to check our shop for new hiking boots.
  3. AlterEgo

    If anything, driving over poor innocent bystanders while riding a cloaked Flash is skill-less.
    Now then, if you'll excuse me, I must place mines and C4 on the landing pad at Saurva's air pad.
    That's rad, brah!
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  4. Maxor

    I agree they took the wrong approach to fixing it but some players were taking advantage of this solely to grief others.

    The auto drive itself serves a purpose. Its to prevent people from mass grabbing armor when they are losing a base without any consequence to the action they are taking. The auto drive makes it so if you spawn a vehicle while enemies are around they have the opportunity to damage/destroy you before you use your armored advantage. Keep in mind though you can still aim and fire under auto drive as to give the driver the ability to defend himself from possibly instant defeat.

    The problem mines pose to this is that your vehicle gets 1 shotted long before you even had a chance as rockets require more than 2 to kill something and C4 has to be planted safely and if you die cant be detonated.

    I would suggest that they at least shorten the auto drive in many cases and make it so the entire auto drive area cant have mines placed on them or that if you are reading this devs maybe redo mines entirely as people have been asking for all along!
  5. QuantumSerpent

    Who said anything about spawn camping? You could just drop some mines there and go back to your tank for the fight. Then you know one extra MBT won't be joining in just yet. And the sniper can potentially stop an enemy armor group from arriving at all, letting your allies push forward to the base.

    Yes, the ultimate point of the game is the major fights--but what makes them tactically interesting and varied is the various small fights before and during that alter the course of the big one. I don't play PS2 for isolated big battles, I play PS2 for large networks of interconnected battles. An isolated big battle is just a bigger small battle. Having ten small battles to ensure you win those two or three big battles is a war.
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  6. Thesweet

    Sounds like your camping a spawn with mines to me. The fact that you can just waltz into an enemy base is just silly and exclusive to ps2, it was never a problem in ps1 because the bases/engineers actually had defences against that sort of thing. But I guess that is what we get with games today.

    Yes winning smaller fights effect the entire map, but you could do the same thing with bf or cod. Just have small matches and who ever wins more matches wins the overall war. At the end of the day, the big fights is all this game has to offer.
  7. QuantumSerpent

    Spawn camping = camping at a spawn. Camping = physically present at a location for a long time. You = not physically present for a long time. Therefore you are not camping.

    That's what I'm saying. Bigger fights are all it has to offer... except you know what's bigger than the biggest fight? A war. That's what PS2 has to offer, and it has to keep offering it if it is to survive--there's a game in the works with 700-player battles. I think if PS2 had those the servers would crash. So it has to have the war, or else it won't survive. As I said, a battle is just a battle... a war is a whole new category.
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  8. CorporationUSA

    Wow, lots of people who can't read here. He said camping a vehicle terminal with a sniper doesn't take skill, not sniping doesn't take skill.

    I'm inclined to agree with both his points. The tank mine one only gets new players, and it just makes the game frustrating to them for no good reason. It's even worse when the vehicle terminal is really far from the vehicle pad. They could easily make the first 15m a no deply zone for mines. They did that with jump pad landing pads.

    Sniping people at a vehicle terminal is also pretty dirty. It takes no skill and is annoying. Poor game design on SOE's part.
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  9. QuantumSerpent

    With landing pads, they did not. I've seen mines deployed within 1m of those.

    Sniping vehicle terminals may be annoying and skill-less, but it's also a highly effective way to stop an armor zerg, and not at all difficult to counter--just countersnipe. If they're a noob, that's easy, and if they aren't, they're applying skill. The skill in long-range sniping is in surviving when they look for you (assuming the targets are stationary, which in this case they are), so don't make it easy for them.
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  10. AlterEgo

    Did you wreck him in his sleep?
    If not, then I am disappoint.
  11. Tyrant103

    Talking about skillless kills, Air to ground (ai) still exists for some reason
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  12. CorporationUSA

    Yes, proximity mines can't be placed on landing pads. 1m away, maybe, but not on them. I realize it's not the exact same scenario, but vehicles auto-drive into mines outside of vehicle pads because they can't avoid them, and that isn't even the case with landing pads. It's obvious that SOE is slanted toward pleasing infantry players these days.

    And as far as sniping terminals goes, there is no good reason to put the terminal out in the open. It's poor design, and to make it worse the nanites are deducted from the player, but the vehicles never spawns. The least they can do is make the vehicles spawn.
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  13. QuantumSerpent

    I won't dispute that SOE (or more accurately a large portion of the playerbase, to which SOE has the poor sense to listen--we're not game developers!) seems to have an anti-vehicle bias. I didn't realize you could put them within the no-control range (and remind me why we have that range at all?).

    Oh... I only just noticed that he was making a suggestion on base design, not complaining about the players who do it. *feels like an idiot*
  14. Silkensmooth

    Snipers ruin the game imo. I used to snipe and it really is pretty cheesy.

    Id be very happy if they removed sniper rifles entirely from the game.

    Get rid of AI mines and tank mines too.

    All of these things are super cheesy and annoying to die to.

    Cant ever have a good infantry battle because there are always 20 lamer noob stealthers sniping anything that moves.
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  15. QuantumSerpent

    So... you want a straight-up TDM? Wrong game. And if you move and they can hit you, they're not noobs.
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  16. Problem Officer

    The issue with sniping isn't detection, it's the lack of counteraction or sustainability offered before OHKO.
    Cover isn't available enough relative to the loads of ridiculous sniping positions on every continent, or dependable enough like in the cases of sniping through unrendered objects such as from The Crown to TI Alloys, latency and lagswitch sniping through cover and terrain.
    Dodging/ADAD provides no counter or skill options against sheer luck and again latency.
    "Tactics" as subjective as the poor term has gotten isn't a counter when snipers can simply cloak for the entire duration of their redeploy timer and restart, unhindered, from an unpredictable new position.
    The fact that it's easy to take blind, unretaliated shots and be rewarded with OHKO is a problem.
    The countless miss-kills I've gone "gah-WHAT" to and felt a little guilty for, at under 50ms...
    It's exactly "spray and pray" condensed timewise and with far less risk.
    Sniping itself isn't a counter that rewards skill, rather the enemy's lack of recloaking and repositioning immediately after each shot or recognizing when they've been discovered (oh look, Counter-Intelligence and Awareness implants)
    Sniper duels aren't won (luck uninvolved) by one side making a breakthrough, but by the other making a mistake.

    This said and being an okay sniper I have no idea what my stance on the topic is. ._.

    The relevant area (to be present in) reasonably spans the length of the shot taken.
    Otherwise if a player or their relevant deployables are not present, they don't deserve any credit, as they were absent.
    With the situation in question, the sniper is indeed present, earning the kill they camped the distant spot for.

    It teaches them very quickly and effectively that mines are not invisible, are easily destroyed and should be checked for.
    It's not to be omitted that there's an implant completely automating mine-finding to quite an excessive distance.
    Negligence should be punished and so it is.
    Mines are spottable through gate shields, splash chain and are wiped by EMP regardless of discovery.

    They made completely indiscernible and horrendously measured areas around these locations instantly retaliate with lethal force.
    The no-deploy zones and vehicle pads need a complete overhaul.
    Something visually present, like a shield, spawn box or accurately painted delete-zone, which isn't nonsense, isn't a major new-player-repellant, isn't easily worked around for originally intended results like C4ing a pad.
  17. QuantumSerpent

    1. Constant mobility. I have been sniped (while not sniping myself) exactly once that I recall since I thought of this.
    2. That's a problem with sloppy game design in general, not sniping.
    3. Latency is a game problem. That lucky shot is quite rare--I have exactly once gotten a headshot on a non-straightlining target outside of 100m. Inside 100m is a range where I am vulnerable to return fire.
    4. That entire process (redeploy, get in, reach usually difficult position) can take upwards of one minute. He sacrifices just as much as if he'd actually died.
    5. It's only unretaliated if the base is empty apart from the one guy or no one else is paying attention. Personally, whenever I see someone get sniped, I go SMG infil and see if I can locate the sniper on foot, and failing that, pull out my own BASR.
    6. Except for the not aiming part... you can't not aim with a BASR and accomplish anything whatsoever. It's a precision weapon.
    7. Assuming they do know the basic technique of not getting countersniped, you add the element of skill in predicting their next position so your crosshair can already be there when they decloak. And then the element of being hidden so they won't see you first (given that you have to be decloaked in order to get the shot off quickly enough).
    8. Not making a mistake is part of skill.
    9. I was referring to mines. Terminal sniping is definitely camping.
    10. I moved away from looking for random stationary targets (and stuff like vehicle terminals) a while ago, so I can't really say how I feel about that. I transitioned to close-ish sniping (not in their face, but close enough to be actually effective, so ~70-150m) and/or going after entrenched positions, and I can say that feels like it's in a good place. You're truly lethal at that range (that's where you fulfil the Infiltrator's role as the one thing a soldier on Auraxis fears) but you're also easily vulnerable to countersniping with a single mistake, or even to a concentrated burst of automatic fire from multiple enemy soldiers. One is nothing to fear, but when you're again a group, you might end up on the receiving end of half a dozen LMGs. That can get painful, fast; even if you're cloaked, spraying in your general vicinity can catch you several times before you escape.
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  18. GoyoElGringo

    There are lots of cheesy things in the game. The OP is calling out cheesy tactics though, not cheesy weapons or playstyles. Cheesy tactics should go, but cheesy weapons have their role.

    For instance, using C4 to destroy vehicles = legit. Playing a C4 fairy = cheesy tactic.
  19. MarkAntony

    So if I use C4 to kill vehicles it's OK. But if I use the most efficient way of doing that then it's bad?

    This mindset needs to go. Not the cheese.
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  20. Problem Officer

    1-2. Yet no less relevant. It makes or breaks the sniping.
    3. Eh, varies between people. Near-render-distance hit at a spot the target "will probably" be because their ADAD is too consistent is a common thing for me. Leading shots doesn't need to be along a straight line, this is more easily apparent when firing at ESF.
    4. That happens often, yet availability of targets isn't that reliable, it's up to the sniper whether their new spot will waste that time or make up for it.
    6. I mean with ADS. Doesn't take hipfire to not put effort into accuracy.
    7-8-10. Even if the shooter doesn't make a mistake, they're not killing a target sniper that hasn't made a mistake. The skill->reward of snipers is focused on defense. Getting in range of the other classes like you've been doing is a great way to fight enemy snipers, who rarely expect OHKO shots from what may have previously seemed fish in a barrel. I've long stopped scaling mountains for snipey spots, rather have plenty of allies nearby drawing attention. v 8, v 8, v1!
    lol whatamitalkingabout I've been using close-med auto&semi for ages ...v 6
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