Since TTK won't be raised just give us Shotgun Armor like Flak Armor. I would be willing to pay SC.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rustler, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Rustler

    Is obvious people buy the shotties to get insta kills at close range...good tactic, I guess.

    But I am willing to pay SC, SOE...for shotgun Armor which will work similar to Flak Armor.

    Now I know Armor is cert base so SC is not needed....but this is how serious I am about it, I will pay 700 SC if I didn't get insta killed or kill super fast by shotguns at close range.

    Shotgun as of now are just insta kill weapons for the meh players....Similar to how Rockets were.....All those people using rockets in infantry fights upgraded to shotguns.

    SOE gave us Flak armor to deal with all these explosives we had to dealt with because SOE knew the insta killness of the explosives was ridiculous...

    Now SOE is time to protect us from the other n00b weapon...The shotgun.
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  2. Cougarbrit

  3. WalrusJones

    10 pellets kills you with nanoweave 5....
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  4. Xind

    Hah. I guess you've never run into a good player with a shotgun, eh?
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  5. Cougarbrit

    Well it's the closest thing to shotgun armour right now.
  6. Cougarbrit

    I have, it goes from instakill one guy to instakill an entire squad consecutively.
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  7. SharpeShooter

    pay to win much?

    Shotguns are fine! if you're getting insta killed get a max or a shotgun your self and hunt the git down! there are counters to everything! for example if you get your "shotgun armor" Light assault would simply use SMGs and still kill you in under a second.
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  8. Rustler

    Pay 2 win?....If paying for Armor that deals with Shotgun is pay 2 win then insta kill shotguns are pay 2 win as well.

    I will be fine with Shotgun armor being cert based so you can't buy it with SC however.
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  9. The Shermanator

    Nanoweave should just be buffed so that it's worth it. Maybe have it effect shield strength as well as 'armor,' or just double the health bonus at each level so that at level six it goes from 125 to 250. That's not that big of an increase but CAN make a difference in a pinch at the cost of an extreme specialist investment.
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  10. SharpeShooter

    again I don't see why your complaining, you can get a shotgun and do the same thing as the guy who just killed you with one, if you choose not to, then that's your prerogative. The important things that need to be changed are when everyone does not have the same options, and thats why a game like this is so hard to balance. Scatter Maxs for example are very OP simply because there are so few viable counters to them, and two of the three factions don't have anything nearly as good.
  11. WalrusJones

    Why not........ Just take a pellet off the pump actions blasts and nanoweave will stop it sans 8+1 headshot scenarios.

    Range is shortend SIGNIFICANTLY due to the lucky eight pellet shot being far less likely...

    And we would see a major improvement.
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  12. RobotDoc

    so small arms armor :eek: idk bro, i feel your pain

    but that's one heck of a proposal. surely there is a way to counter a player with a shotty. just have to figure it out. maybe they should make them bigger gunz so u can visibly tell "ohnoes a shotty, dont get close!!"

    problem is u dont have time to react or run for cover, Always stay in cover? idk...need some solution though. they melt faces

    i dont use them but dont really want them nerfed, just want someone to find a solution to getting pwned so badly :)

    what r u shotgun users afraid of/weak against in a 1v1 cqc situation
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  13. TheArchetype

    Read what I just posted.
  14. Rustler

    I see what you are saying but having shotgun armor is nothing like flak armor....I will sacrafice my flak armor/nano weave for Shotgun armor.

    My enemy can do the same like your logic nothing wrong, right?
  15. Rustler

    Shotgun users IMO before this use to get owned in CQC situations with actual conventional guns.

    So now they will do anything to not go back to those days.

    This is why we need shotgun armor....They could keep their OP shotguns and feed on people without shotgun armor..

    But when they face a person with a conventional weapon(Lmg,AR,carbine,SMG,etc)....They are going to prepare for an actual skillful battle.
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  16. coleisepic

    Maybe anti shotgun armor for like the same price as nonweave but stops insta-gibs and the higher upgrade the more health you have left.
  17. Littleman

    I'd prefer if LA couldn't wield shotguns. An LA with a shotgun is akin to an infil with a shotgun. You don't see them coming until too late, if at all. It's one thing for guys to be coming at you with insta-gib weapons through expected chokes like door ways, but someone that can attack from any angle and fly, throwing their hit box because the servers are $#!% like that (for a second after take off, their hitbox isn't on their avatar?) THAT is why shotguns are OP. The only people that see real success with them are LA, and for these very reasons.
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  18. Ashnal

    Think about it, Flak armor should protect against shotgun blasts, since shrapnel explosions and shotgun buckshot are fairly similar.

    Of course, there would be no way anyone would use anything else than flak armor then.

    Solution would be to buff nanoweave a bit, so that it would be the go to choice for general combat, with flak being a little more effective vs explosions and shotguns.
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  19. Xind

    You've kind of lost some credibility with your argument by including SMGs in there. Since they kill targets literally twice as fast as the rest of teh weapons in the grouping. Is your shotgun complaint based purely on Pump Actions introduction, or did you have this trouble with the previous shotguns, too?
  20. Rustler

    Well I include them as conventional weapons...I can deal with SMG's at very close quarters however...SMG's at distance between ADS and hipfire, well SMG's are god at that distance since they can strafe hip firing with very good accuracy.

    As for shotguns...Well since they were introduced I could tell their TTK was way too high, pump shotguns took it a step further.....So yes I would love shotgun armor.