Since Latest patch (2/27/2014) i am not able to play planetside 2

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Assblast, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. JorgeSarcos

    If you guys dont want to delete files just change their extensions to .bak the installer wont find them and will replace them and you will still get a backup just in case, note that you need to writte down all the files and delete/rename them all.

    @Matt Well you went a bit far LOL now it will download the whole folder and will take a lot more time, still should make it work though.
  2. mattMedix

    Yep but it worked... I first tried to delete the files it was attempting to update, still failed, so tried the whole folder. :) only took 15 mins but I'm up and running
    • Up x 1
  3. Amouris

    I deleted every file that post had listed and then simply ran the launchpad again. Had to download ~300mb but it worked for me.
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  4. Jaiskull

    WOW this work!! i did it all! but i didn't Deleted Planetside2.exe..but it worked.. thank you!! i was starting to get pissed off! u saved my computer!!
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  5. JorgeSarcos

  6. knk42


    This is the last second before the Crash (Yes the launcher is in german).
    Soe when will you fix it finaly?
  7. Assblast

    i managed to get mine working....
    The problem is with two to three files that are corrupt... it appears to be different files for each user so you will need to identify them
    Step :1 identify the file
    Load up the launchpad and check advanced settings, note the files that are being patched currently and also which file is the one which during patching it crashes, do this 2 to 3 times, the files that keep recurring are the ones that need to be deleted
    Step 2: Validate game assets
    After deleting the files validate games assests, the option is available in advanced settings
    Step 3: continue patch as usual , Should work !
    Hope this helps guys
  8. Reizod

    Thanks for the advice, this worked for me. No thanks to SOE for helping us out with their game! o_O
  9. Resemble

    Finally sorted, thanks all.

    By all i mean not you SOE. Bunch of **** eaters, fix your ******* launcher.
  10. TuckTuck1234

    doesn't work with mine unfortunately
  11. Steamtoaster

    Deleting the asset files that were getting stuck seems to have fixed it for me, game is currently patching 1.5GB.
    Thank you for the info.
    • Up x 1
  12. TuckTuck1234

    Like I said that didn't work for me, but I disable the proxy on my LAN Settings and Planetside 2 is patching so that helps too.
  13. knk42

    I respect the work of the Developers and I know its hard to proggramm such a big project but its frusrating that we dont get official help.

    My sollution:
    1. Runn as Admin
    2. Validate
    3. lock at which file launchpad crashes (i use screen capture to mace it easy) and delete it from the folder.
    4. also found some files with the filename extension "part" and deletet them to.
    5. Restat at step 1 (do it until it works, my launchpad crashed each time at another file)

    Yeah keeps leaving this file out so i cant run it


    2014-04-2819:20:4713986768464324314710243Application updater file not found, filepath=C:/Users/Villegas/AppData/Local/Sony Online Entertainment/ApplicationUpdater/ApplicationDownloaderService.exe.
    2014-04-2819:20:4713986768464434314710243Application updater failed to validate, recovery is required.
  15. Sean79

    I haven't been able to play for a while now, every time I hit play it gives me an error code and wont launch the game. esencially they've locked me out of the game now for my entire weekend and most of last week. that's money flying out the door, SOE. if you need funds you better tighten up. and the solution is PAINFULLY OVIOUS! change it back to HOW IT WAS. isn't it better for everyone to at least be able to play rather than some people cant play, some get crappy fps, very few have godlike fps. then even those who are benefitting have less people to shoot at (i.e me and everyone else who cant play)

    SOE, im disapointed.