Simple Trick

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by TheMercator, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. TheMercator

    I have developed a simple trick to clear crowded rooms with C4 in scenarios where you cant just throw it in and you can't trigger it with the trigger when running into the room, because you will die to fast.

    Just throw a grenade into the room through a window or balcony first, then jump after it and place a C4 nearby it.
    Most of the time somebody will immediatly kill you, but as soon as the grenade wents of it will trigger the C4 which than will kill the people in the room.

    Of course you have to calculate if its worth it or if you could kill as many people by just trying the explosives into the room and than kill the survivors.
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  2. Iridar51

    Suicide C4 attacks are cheap, and there really is no reason to use them, unless you're looking to get some easy kills, in which case you should just play vehicles or MAX.
  3. Pickleman44

    Hey man, whatever works, I say og for it.
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  4. Iridar51

    Whatever works =\ Cheese works. How is it fun doing everything the easiest way possible? People looking for easy wins should just stick to less competitive games.
  5. lawn gnome

    it is easier just to get a grenade bandolier and spam grenades through that same window. 4 grenades through window can easily do more damage than a C4 charge.
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  6. ATRA_Wampa-One

    They might be cheep, but they're effective.

    Insallah allah!
  7. _itg

    Dude, competitive players ARE looking for easy wins. And hard wins, but any win will do. Trying to win is the definition of being competitive. If you're too honorable to use an effective tactic, you're NOT a competitive player. Which is totally fine, of course, but still true.
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  8. Iridar51

    Define "win". I don't call getting easy kills winning. Getting hard kills is "win" for me. Anyone get easy kills. Hard kills? Have to work for them.
  9. MiniSentrygun

    Dude who are you to judge others on how to play the game? Not every planetside 2 player is a "hardcore mlg gamer". Some are casual and just play for whatever they find fun to do. If there is a problem the devs will be on their way to remove sticky grenades, MAX units, any kind of "skill-less" weaponry that is not Infantry and hope it provides a true Pro Gamer experience.
    "You're not playing the game the right way, go play HALO or something!!!1!111!!111"
  10. KiakoLalene

    Until they allow suicide vests (we're all immortal, so why does it matter?), C4 is the way to go.
  11. Iridar51

    Is there some reason I can't have an opinion? That's the reason we have forums, after all. To discuss things.

    XXX: Jaguar sucks!
    YYY: Who are you to judge?! Shut up and love it!
    Gets us nowhere.

    Maybe not, but everyone should strive to be or accept mediocrity.
    Normal game: "If I suck I have to choose: accept it or invest effort and get better".
    PlanetSide 2: "If I suck I will just use the MAX/vehicle/suicide C4 attacks and I will get the same/better results as someone who invested effort". That's what you're saying to me.

    I have nothing against people who just log in for half an hour a day to have some light fun, but then they should not expect to be on the same level as more dedicated players. And I despise people that find getting kills the easy way "fun". Hence all my hate towards MAXes and vehicles.
  12. _itg

    Capturing a base or winning an alert is the only objective way to "win." If suicide c4 attacks help you win an alert, a competitive player will do them, just like competitive players abuse redeploy mechanics to be everywhere at once. That's the cheesiest tactic currently in the game, by the way.
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  13. Iridar51

    If you think the competition in this game is about bases or alerts, you're sorely mistaken. The latest XP changes help somewhat, but they're a tiny step on a mile long road.
    This may be the case for server smashes, but that's a completely different game.
  14. _itg

    Tell that to the Emerald VS.
  15. ATRA_Wampa-One

    You rang?

    But seriously, alerts are the only "meta" in this game since if I wanted to just farm people endlessly I'd play COD or fire up TF2.
  16. lawn gnome

    you just made a case for why competitive players should all use aim bots and hacks. you also made a solid case for why i NEVER want to be "competitive".

    like it or not we all have standards and the point iridar is making is that, just because something can be done doesn't mean it should and doesn't mean it should be allowed. honestly since the kill system has been made more reliable i think an XP penalty should be invoked on any kills or points earned that happen within 5 seconds of a suicide.

    as a heavy assault, i take pride in stalking the vehicles i intend to kill around the map and obliterating them before they even know they are under attack. a "win" to me is sneaking up unseen on an iron behemoth that is raining death and/or spewing out troops, loading it with whatever explosives i need to accomplish the job backing away, detonating, and then mopping up the survivors with my lasher. i ignore "kill streaks" unless they involve me murdering multiple vehicles behind enemy lines, anything less is not beneficial to the team unless it significantly advances the line in my team's favor.
  17. _itg

    Cheating is not something competitive players necessarily do. Being competitive doesn't mean you have no ethics (although people who are both unethical and competitive are more likely to cheat than the merely unethical). It just means you play to win first and foremost, whether or not your opponent admires you for it.

    Don't think I have a problem with non-competitive people, by the way. I'm not exactly competitive myself. If I were, I'd join an outfit, avoid biofarms I know aren't going anywhere, etc. I focus more on personal achievements, auraxiuming weapons, directives, etc., than whether my side captures the base (although my actions do contribute to the effort). But it's hard to blame people for using tactics that work because they don't meet your arbitrary standards of honor, especially if they happen to be the "winning" choice.
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  18. MiniSentrygun

    Yeah, it's an opinion. Unless you have some special criticism-free card, opinions are subjected to "discussions" like you mentioned.

    OP: I found out this trick, you can use your grenade in case your detonator malfunctions!
    You: Lol cheese. Use real effort to get real killz
  19. Gundem

    I don't know, I rather enjoy taking out large, unaware groups with explosives. Then again, my favorite style to play is crowd control, so all the flashbangs and concussion grenades. Brings me great joy when I detonate that high explosive gift in the middle of that cluster around the shield charger, all of which are just taking turns shooting someone out of the spawn.

    You know the Terran Crash site? Best base ever. Wait for the zerg to start their camp, and then give them endless C4 Surprises over that wonderful little barrier in front of the spawn. Then, toss a flashbang and clean up the rest of em.
  20. SupaFlea

    Yeah I reserve my C4 for MAX's and vehicle and the occasional instance where ive used my grenade and have like 12 ppl below me. I wouldnt mind if they reduced the C4 dmg towards soldiers more so its used less like a detonated sticky grenade. We have enough issues with ppl wanting to take C4 away from LA for this reason.