Sick of nc overpop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jaktrobot, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. MurderBunneh

    So I play on Connery from 12-9am VS has at least a 40% pop the entire time I play every time I play. I guess they need a nerf too.

    And basically you are talking out your *** and I would prove it by showing you the actual server pop stats but you wouldn't read it because you have made your mind up and it would be a waste of my time.
  2. MurderBunneh

    How bout a link to your pro NC stats.
  3. MurderBunneh Scroll down to the past alert section you can see the results for last 10 alerts for each server.

    What you will quickly see is that NC are not winning a disproportionate amount of alerts. It is fact the opposite.

    Connery NC have won 1 out of the last 10 alerts on Connery. TR have as many victories as NC. Meaning that VS have been dominating that server for the last what 6-8 hours at least? Now it is after 12pm so the VS pop is 40%+ for the next 9 hours.

  4. Ganelon

    You said at range, the Vulcan and Marauder were never used at range.

    The gutting of the Harasser already removed the usefulness of these weapons, the nerfs on the weapons themselves were unnecessary.

    Look at the PPA if you want something crazy OP.
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  5. Epic High Five

    One didn't experience drop off in damage until like 300m, and the other didn't experience dropoff in damage at all. Neither had a noticeable lifespan on the projectile. There was nothing stopping anyone from using either at longer ranges, and the Marauder was certainly utilized to shell bases, as well as the ability of the Vulcan to kill two ESFs or a lib with a single magazine. So you've got something that's extremely niche and something nearly useless now. The VS may take pity but as an NC I say welcome to the club and be glad you don't have the C85
  6. Aegie

    C85 does seem like garbage in the short time have been using it on my harasser- people will gun it, I think mostly because of the novelty and never having tried it before, but I almost always net more roadkills.
    Not sure about the Marauder but yes, the Vulcan needs work. I've recently been playing my TR thanks to NC over pop (honestly, in a way, thanks because it has been refreshing playing a different faction) and have put in some, not much, time with the Vulcan.

    The Vulcan has a relatively long spin-up so it seems to encourage dumping the mag. However, with ~60 rounds in the mag (this was my typical experience) by the time you get through the spin-up to the full DPS potential you have already blown through a significant portion of the magazine. Moreover, COF is there and discourages dumping the mag so that I found myself torn between thinking "well, if I burst I may get more on target" but "if I burst then I am stuck in the slow spin-up phase". Trying to hit most things at the normal vehicle engagement range is roulette and honestly I am beginning to think it does not really matter, for most targets, whether you burst or not- burst and your hit % goes up but DPS stays low, dump the mag and your potential DPS goes up but your hit % goes down... so damage on target seems to stay about the same.

    I think I and others were right when we cautioned SOE that a blanket nerf to the Vulcan was a bad idea since the performance metrics showed it over on harasser but under on Prowler. IMO, they could consider looking into "stabilizing" (i.e. adjusting the COF) the weapon on the Prowler with the game play notion that the harasser is faster so it can close the distance whereas the Prowler cannot (and therefore needs something to make it more reliable at range). They could also look into the idea of removing the mag all together since this would create more of an incentive to be heavy on the trigger with the draw back that you will always be needing ammo refills. This would also probably make the weapon a lot more fun, more fun than, say, removing the wind-up (which could also help).

    Just some preliminary thoughts, as I said, I do not have much time with the Vulcan, so this impression and the directions they could go may change as I get more time behind the trigger.
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  7. Riku

    Hi there,

    I saved myself the effort of visiting that site because you posted it in an attempt to prove me wrong on something I did not claim. In fact, I did state quite the opposite.

  8. Ganelon

    Marauder KPU statistics on-par with C85 KPU statistics, PPA has triple the KPU.

    Higby pls.
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  9. InvitroCanibal

    Ya don't play a faction you hate that's for sure. I played Vanu for a while, got up to like level 70 and then just stopped. I got kinda tired of their weapons. A lot of them seem to have some kind of high spread rate or something going on. They can't do range for crap. I know im not a bad shot as I use sniper rifles and close range sniper rifles and do fine but it gets boring playing the same way.

    I like TR because it's a progressive faction. The more you invest the more you get back. The anchored modes people seem to dislike are actually quite good when maxed out. The prowler gets a 1 second reload time at max stats and max anchor. 2 seconds without anchor. It actually requires a degree of finesse to shoot while moving, I usually find increasing my vehicle sensitivity allows me to compensate for this. I generally set it to 70 or 80 and kinda swing my shots in and recover faster from terrain issues. AP rounds are a must though for anchored as they have the highest velocity and benefit the most from the velocity increase of 30 percent. However the HE and HEAT weapons are better if it's more difficult to aim.

    The infantry options got nerfed pretty bad but their are some great weapons still. The ones with the LOWEST rounds per a minute actually are the most versatile and shoot true and straight. The T9 carv isn't bad but has a bit more bullet spread than I like. The T9 Carv S had a little less spread and soft point options which are very nice to have for a machine gun.

    The mini gun is an odd ball weapon but if you crouch with you, you get more accuracy and less spread, you also have to make quick pauses on your fire rate. If your goal is suppresive fire, than it's the gun you want. The only issue though is that the engineer Anti Infantry Turret seems to be better but the Chain gun will draw less attention to yourself.

    The stryker is a terrible weapon. It just sucks, plain sucks. It's inferior to the default launcher, it's damage isn't that much and if your goal is to shoot down aircraft don't bother. Most just see the first shot and run before you get the 4 other shots off. I'm purely against lock on mechanics on vehicles because it gives away your position, lets the enemy know they are being targeted and helps them prepare for a retreat. The easiest way to Approach vehicles as a heavy assault without C-4 is to throw an anti tank grenade and at the same time it goes off fire a rocket. This will scare the **** out of most lightnings and some heavy tank drivers depending on if they have a second gunner. Though they do retreat at this point you have enough time to get 2 more shots off usually and thats generally all it takes if your grenade hit accurately.

    The NC's Phoenix is generally a beautiful piece of mastery. Turn scope sensitivity to max and you have near full control on it. Yu can scout out enemy positions, kill maxes, kill tanks all from a safe distance. Ravens are beautiful too. The vanguard shield makes it near invincible in one on one battles at close range. There are two ways to play, the sneaky vanguard that snipes and moves or the charge vanguard that has the speed chassis maxed out and just litterally runs down the enemy. The EM6 is a great gun as well, contrary to what others say I found it works better without the Handle however. I think some players don't realize a little wobble actually can benefit a burst fire weapon as it catches the enemy as they move. Now the up swing is a little tricky but if you use a 3x/4x scope and turn scope sensitivty up to max you can pretty easily compensate for the upswing. The compensator works pretty well too. The main thing is to treat it sort of like a cross between the sniper rifle and the mini gun. You go in consecutive burst fires with a certain level of cool down between shots, even though it's first shot multiplier is tricky, you run the mouse/controller down just as you fire.

    I won't even cover Vanu as that'd just turn into a hate speech lol.

    I will say though one good thing I find about the vanu that a lot of Vanu players do not realize is the suspension epidemic that plagues the other 2 tanks. When I switch back to vanu sometimes, I notice how nice it is to have that in play.
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  10. Nephera

    I just love how we came out on top after all three factions got nerfed.

    And aaaaallll the arguments flipped.
  11. Barrtabb

    Clearly there is a faction pop balance problem as the community created 9+ pages on the forum about it.

    Instead of nerfing everything, why don't we suggested ideas to enhance the game play while sorting out the imbalance?

    One Suggestion:
    Faction Truce
    "When one faction's pop on a server hit's a specific % (note - not on a map, but across the whole server), then the lower two populated factions begin a Truce. During a Truce, the two factions won't be able to capture each other's territory."

    This could last for 15 minutes once started, and if the faction pop doesn't balance out towards the end of the timer then the timer resets.
    *Note: the two factions could still kill each other just like normal. The Truce would be like not having lattice connection to each other's territory.

    Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Troll responses?
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  12. Aegie

    I've been playing TR lately since NC has had pop and I'm really enjoying them. True, the better the weapon is at CQC the worse it will be at range/precision. I find the AMC is great- works very well at all ranges, especially if you burst, you can even equip HVA and compensator and still not find yourself pants down in CQC. Quite refreshing and now I am on a mission to find other TR weapons that I can spec out for similar performance.

    There are some issues, like the Vulcan, to be sure but overall things are much better than they were.

    Phoenix is fun, that is true, but similar to other RLs in that it is really only effective when massed. Like you point out with the Striker, often when I would use the Phoenix I would notice that after 1 hit the target would retreat to just out of operation range- and just hitting aircraft is, well, you should know if you have used it.

    I think the Phoenix and the Lancer are good examples of how equipment can be fun without being over powered. I agree it is a pity that the Striker is a lock-on, no one really likes lock-ons, they already existed, and they are not fun. That being said, they were used in abundance when they were broken and I bet it was a lot more fun when it was so strong- I think fun is often a function of mechanics+effectiveness so if one (or both) of those is abysmal then yeah it is a wash but if one is really amazing then it can compensate.
  13. Pondera

    I personally love the NC overpop. Do you know what I call a huge swarm of Cargo Pants Cultists coming at me?

    *loads a plasma cell into my Corvus*

    A target rich environment. >=3
  14. ZeroErrorz

    nerf freedom, murica,recoil,blue,yellow,bricks lol
  15. Gotkilledcryfornerf

    Hmmm, its simple? Its true that the first shot of few NC guns will do more dmg than others, but they have a slow fire rate, so your TR rifles spam in 3 bullets in the head in the same time. So i disagree with your "simple math" logic.
  16. InvitroCanibal

    I'm not down for the nerfs either. The stryker needs fixing, it needs to operate like the coyote, the vulcan needs a bit less bullet spread to out perform the halberd. The chain gun needs a fire rate boost to 1000rpm with a bit more bullet spread. Realisitically the chain gun should have a larger magazine and be better at medium range.

    The vanu lasher needs a bit of work too, less recoil or more damage. It seems weak to me compared to other weapon options. I'm aware it's an aoe weapon but with explosive arrows, their seem to be a better contender for this.

    The magrider needs a better booster with either increased thrust speed or increased duration. It should last 8 seconds when maxed out, just as the vanguard shieldlasts 8 seconds. I dislike the consistancy the developers incorporate by not parralleling the abilities. For example if ZOE is gonna be timed than aegies and lock down should be timed as well. However I think ZOE is just pointless at this point and needs to be redirected towards defense not offense.

    The scythe needs a default speed adjustment of 15 kph increased. The vanu heavy assault needs auto guns that actually fire straight.

    The NC max needs charge combined with Aegis. Both tanks for TR and NC need a suspension option such as a surger chassis.

    The Harrasser needs an increase in Nantie repair to that of a lightning tank. It needs to lose the repair on the go option and just be a solid vehicle without relying on that dynamic. They overkilled the nerf to compensate with the repair on the go which was stupid to begin with.

    The Flash needs better handling, It needs to roll less, spin less and have improved radar to that of a mosquito.

    Tank mines need to be set lower in the ground so they are not visible unless you look straight down at them.

    Lastly,my personal opinion :), the infiltrator needs an anti material rifle.

    Good day Gents