Sick and tired of rediculous splash damage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by maudibe, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. maudibe

    I just got killed as a Max in a capture room by......wait for it.....splash damage from explosive rounds like tank or dalton THRU THE CONCRET WALLS WITH NO WINDOWS OR DOORS PRESENT. I've had it with the BS splash damage going thru walls. That is crazy. and unacceptable in a game that lets one spam explosive rounds endlessly. Now if your caught out in the open o.k. but once you've made it into a building then you should be safe unless they're sending em in thru doors and windows and then dont stand near the doors and windows but, im sorry on one should be able to send enless rounds in and have the splash damage accumulate to a kill level.
    I personally believe it was dalton rounds coming thru the roof. The floor was blackened for C.S.
  2. DashRendar

    Game has splash damage?
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  3. Stargazer86

    There's splash damage?
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  4. Captain Kid

    good. maxes can instakill me so **** em
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  5. Modern Ancestor

    Wheres the splash damage??
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  6. Jalek

    Is that like crouching in a building with no window or door exposure and getting shot, then seeing the shooter on the other side of the wall moving away? Not sure if you can see such things with the new death screen.
    Everything relies on client collision detection I guess.
  7. TheFamilyGhost

    Pat my butt/make the game easier threads are sad.
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  8. Syrathin

    When you die as a result of things not functioning as intended it is annoying to say the least, But these things happen with any game... Admittedly more frequently with PS2 than most but that's the nature of the beast.
  9. MasonSTL

    That's amazing! Not only did you find water on Araxis but you also managed to die to slashes of it :eek:
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  10. LIKE A BOSS!

    I never thought I see the day a guy with a prowler picture asking if the game had splash damage. The easiest infantry farming point and click mbt in the game. The only MBT that shoots at walls and through spawn rooms.
  11. Deggeh

    Splash damage?

    OH, you mean that stuff that drops my shield when an HE round lands three inches from my right little toe.

    Sure, nerf it again. If you're getting killed by a tank you're probably actually getting direct-hit by the rounds.
  12. Fangry

    Something even worse, flashlight light goes trough floors and walls..
  13. Aesir

    If cannons are your cause of death, than I can assure you it was not because of splash, because splash damage is a thing of the past. It has been nerfed so many many times already and it's undergoing another one on the Prowler right now.

    You know what the issue is about this? It will not change the fact that you will die to cannons, unless they would also nerf down direct hit damage of those ... but oh wait, they are nerfing both the direct hit damage and the splash of the C75 Viper on the Lightning ...

    How convenient ... now grab your SMG, SKEP and heavy assault some Tanks, Rambo Style!
  14. OldMaster80

    If damage is passing through walls open a support ticket. Post like this will have no effect: 0 chances devs do something to fix it.

    And if splash damage is a problem the I'd like to introduce you a friend of mine: his name is Flak Armor. ;)
  15. TomoB

    Only weapons that seem to have some splash damage in this game are daltons and tank shells. For example to get kills with grenades I need to use sticky ones and attach them to the enemy.
  16. Klypto

    Well, how did you get in then?
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  17. Tuco

    *locks and loads radiator*

    You donno splash damage.
  18. TheFamilyGhost

  19. ZeroErrorz

    yum-yum delicicous infantryside QQ tear for my sandwich *slurp*
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  20. twinShield

    Then how did you get into the room in the first place?? Was it built around your MAX?

    The only thing that annoys me about splash damage is when you fire dozens of explosives at enemies on a bridge in a big battle and half of them go right through the bridge with no collision registered, thus dealing no damage at all.
    I have been on the other end too, seen Mana turret projectiles coming my way, then getting stuck in air 10ft away from me.