[Suggestion] Shouldn't EMP Grenades Disable HA Overshields?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShortRovnd, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. ShortRovnd

    By function an EMP grenade should disable all abilities.

    By balance I think an EMP grenade still should disable all abilities. Currently they don't disable HA Overshields and consequently it's virtually impossible to kill a HA as an Inf even when you get the jump on them.

    What do you think?
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  2. Elrobochanco

    They used to I think. but only if you tagged them while it was on. It would not preemptively lock them out of their ability. Perhaps they thought it was unfair that it didn't affect other stuff like jetpacks or medic aura.
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  3. ShortRovnd

    It should disable all abilities including those IMO.
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  4. Bape

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  5. GhostAvatar

    They should also disable all VS weapons, since they run on batteries. And all NC weapons, since they are gauss. But do nothing for TR, since they are you bog standard lead spitting weapons. Then it will be balanced :p
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  6. Moridin6

    YES, and you should get xp for anyone killed while affected by your emp
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  7. KnightCole

    LOL, that would be a coding nightmare, probably beyond SoE's abilities to code properly. There would be a massive flaw in the code that makes all weaponry, TR, NC, VS, NS, EM, AF, VX...whoever....totally not function at all, let alone when an emp hits.
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  8. KendoPS1

    In PS1 it also disabled vehicle weapons, imagine that in PS2
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  9. MajiinBuu

    Yeah disable everything in a 40x40 meter area, sounds balanced
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  10. ShortRovnd

    Noone is suggesting that.
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  11. MajiinBuu

    My bad, it's 20x20. It's early in the morning, I'm sleepy leave me alone :oops:
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  12. Phyr

    It will disable abilities if they're activated when it goes off.
  13. FateJH

    What if getting hit with an EMP grenade wiped your hard drive?
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  14. Phyr

    That would significantly delay the ability to whine about it on the forums.
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  15. Axehilt

    EMP Grenades are awful, and definitely need to be stronger.

    Keep in mind it's far more balanced for something to disable a portion of a player's capabilities (abilities) than almost completely stun them (concussion grenades).
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  16. Vikarius

    Well first off I think infiltrator should get conussion grenades, and HA shouldn't. HA should ONLY have access to Frag and AV grenades.

    Second, HA's shield needs to be toned down (at least against infantry weapons), so I'd rather see that done first which has been needed since beta, then we can see if having EMP disable it be too much.
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  17. Kunavi

    Have to agree, HAs should not get Concussion Grenades. Light Assault and Infiltrator are the Classes closest to "Shock Troops" and "Sabotage" instead of direct confrontation. They should get the gadgets. In the same line of thinking, Shield Repairs is an Engineer's job and not a Medic's.

    On the subject I think EMPs should work like they did in BF2142. Shut down EVERYTHING, active or not. Give us a reason to carry Grenade Bando with Infiltrators and LAs :)
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  18. SavageBacon

    While I agree that the Conc on LAs and/or Infils adds more value to the classes, I doubt the devs would remove items from the game... Because basically you're giving the class a choice between EMP/Flashbang or Conc. As for the shield on the medic, that was smart to give the class the difficult choice between aoe heal and the shield since they both have situational advantages.

    If assist XP coding is too tricky, the devs could easily reduce the cost of flashbangs and EMPs to entice people to cert into and use them... Sacrificing potential frag xp for a cheaper support styled nade.
  19. Vikarius

    Yea, they shouldn't remove them from the game, they should be removed from access as an HA class, and added to infiltrator.
    Hell, what I would give to get a (working) smoke grenade on my infiltrator.
    I think if infiltrators had easy access to a resource free smoke grenade (like the UBGLs), then it would make sense to have all of these counters (Darklight, radar, darts, motion, detect bolt, etc) to an already gimped cloak.
  20. JibbaJabba

    So the guy you want going in first during a room breech shouldn't get a concussion grenade. Interesting. o_O
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