Should Flashes have a Bulletproof windscreen?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by minhalexus, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. minhalexus

    Currently when I play flashes, jumping out and shooting the target is often the smarter choice than shooting the target with your flash weapon.

    I don't in particular like the ^ so..........

    I think having a windscreen that protects against bullets might be a good addition to the flash.

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  2. Frostiken


    Will they get it?

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  3. Werefox

    That could be fun - I envisage a defense screen like the Aegis Shield or the shield on a Mana Turret. It would probably be reasonably balanced if it was only a half height shield - so it only protects from body shots from the front.
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  4. gibstorm

    No, They are 50 points, They would be too good against infantry.

    They are cheap transport, not a tank
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  5. FateJH

    I am confused how your request matches or addresses your anecdote. It'd be more logical to request improved weaponry before a windshield (even if people would denigrate you for the suggestion).

    The reason people are shooting at you, as opposed to your Vehicle, is because you can be reasonably damaged. Against small arms fire, the Flash has an unrealistic TTK compared the to engagement time, whether or not you have dismounted to perform the kill.
  6. Morti

    Could be made as something to go in the defense slot.

    I don't see it ever happening though. Even with max rank composite all tank shells, rockets ect OHK flashes
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  7. Problem Officer

    That would block the passenger seat from shooting forward now that they can.
    If it replaces Wraith however, I say that's quite reasonable.
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  8. Blue_Shift

    Wraith cloak plus front shield would equal pure dominance. I can already imagine people with the shotgun mount totally dominating infantry.

    It would be like giving maxes a always facing forward shield against c4
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  9. Problem Officer

    They are, and about 99% of people who see them don't fire at them, because cloak's so hard to see right?
    The capacitor's colossal and so is the recharge rate. Guess what else? It even cloaks the smoke coming out when damaged.
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  10. PurpleHIppo

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  11. Goretzu

    The Wraith Flash is pretty powerful now, and it really doesn't need a shield (a non-Wraith Flash is a different arguement).

    Certainly any potential shield would need to sit in the same slot as the Wraith module.
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  12. Pelojian

    I must admit it's a bit silly that it can cloak the smoke trail. It's really shouldn't other vehicles can't help their smoke trail without getting out to repair so why should a wraith flash of all things be able to hide their smoke trail?
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  13. Paqu

    If you find it smarter and more effective to jump out to shoot than use flash weapons you clearly are either using them wrong or need more practise.

    Never stop moving with the Flash and always shoot from the third person. Use the head of the infiltrator as your crosshair and with little practise you will get the hang of it. I can guarantee that you wont be jumping out of the Flash unless you really need to.
  14. Maljas23

    If its in the defense slot, I say yes to this.
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  15. Rentago

    i can see the idea of certing a defense slot item or something that replaces your ability to boost in exchange you can activate a frontal barricade like an above poster suggested.

    instead of cloaking or boosting you gain the ability to engage in combat, it would be like taking a mana turret and putting it on wheels, i assume a rocket or tank would still be the death of you but small arms fire should not get you.
  16. Pikachu

  17. Moonheart

    Not sure... I think the driver is killed a bit too easily by small arms, true.
    But a full screen? Perhaps a bit too much.
  18. Pikachu

    How can people say no to making the flash more awesome?
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  19. sustainedfire

    It would be an interesting addition, maybe as a cert slot.

    It would likely be fair, if it was similar to a Mana Turret shield- those do not protect you much at all. (and a flash is extremely vulnerable as it stands)
  20. Zazulio

    I would love to see panels or a recharging obershield added to the Flash, but probably only as a certline that takes the same slot as the Wraith cloak. Right now, the Flash is very well balanced. I've been a full-time Flash operator since I started playing, basically, and right now is the first time I've truly felt like it's in a good place.

    Shields and other abilities are an interesting idea, of course, but stacking driver protection with nearly a full minute of cloaking would see the rise of dozens of "nerf the Flash!" threads the second us experienced Flash operators got a hold of them.