Shotguns are not overpowered. They are shotguns.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Mhaza

    Imo shotguns are only OP if you can snipe with it like in Battlefield: Bad Company 2...

    Else they are supposed to be the beast at CQC.

    No I don't use a SG. Yes I get killed by them frequently in CQC
  2. Olek

    That works both ways, look at the title of the thread, "shotguns are not over powered, they are shotguns"
    The way I read that is he actually thinks that's how shotguns are, so please let us educate him.
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  3. Wasdie

    Yes they are OP. They throw the game's TTK off too much.

    I'm using them pretty much exclusively now because anything else puts me at too much of a disadvantage. In 2-3 months, shotguns will be the only weapons used under 50 meters.

    The game's TTK was fine until shotguns started appearing more and more. Now it's all over the place. No consistency.
  4. Louis Farrakhan

    shotguns are only good at CQC. but every single base in the game is CQC.

    if they make pump actions fire like bolt action it might be balanced.
  5. Goretzu

    Battle rifles != Assault Rifles, Shotguns with slugs are much better than any of the Battle Rifles, by quite a long way.
  6. Cpu46

    Pump action is fine the way I see it. They are only slightly more powerful than the semi and full autos and are poor choices in large skirmishes due to long reload times and small clips.

    I do find these arguments funny though considering that video game shotguns are a poor, sad, representation of an actual shotgun. I don't think there is a shotgun on the market that has the same effective range as what is commonly portrayed in video game. A shotgun IRL is accurate and lethal well into the 30-50 meter range depending on the choke and type of round you use. In game that would put it's effective range between carbines and the more accurate assault rifles. Lets see SOE patch the game with those specs and see how soon the forum burns to the ground.
  7. InMedeasRage

    The front half of this thread is a series of ad hominem 'you suck at the game ergo your opinion and analysis of the shotgun are invalid' arguments by the OP.

    The gun is a one hit kill at ranges commonly encountered throughout the game in a variety of territories, so no, this gun is not OK as is. Unless, of course, you were the kind of 'skilled' player I encountered in the old CSS, trumpeting your marvelous K/D with whatever that sniper rifle was that one hit people with foot shots. Slug ammo needs a hard projectile speed/power tweak after a certain range. Timing between shots with the pump action needs adjusting upwards, if ever so incrementally. If shot timing is out, spread adjustment should be looked at.

    It can be a one hit kill at close range, but it needs to be at daaaaaaamn close range not at the 10m-15m one can occasionally accomplish.

    Edit: We all had to accept the (extremely and brutally necessary) nerfs (and moderate lob angle buff) to the grenade launcher people spent 600+ certs unlocking. The shotgun costing 1000 certs isn't going to hold up as an argument.
  8. FlayvorOfEvil

    Yeah, before the nerf, I could shoot and hit a target 200m away within 1.5 seconds with my grenade launcher. Yesterday when I killed someone with my grenade launcher that was 300m away, I had to arc my grenade at a 40 degree angle from the top of the crown and the grenade hit him 5-6 seconds later.
  9. smokemaker

    " 2x the amount of damage as an opponent should take little pride in success because the win was heavily influenced by the stats of the weapons and less so by the skill of the users"

    Its all bla bla bla till the last line.....
    As i said before, I am not here to show "skill".
    Nor am I here for "fair".
    I am here to kill.

    If you think I enjoy a kill less because of the mode of death i used. You are deceiving yourself. I take "pride" in every kill I do. Now, 1st off, I can not care less for my fellow gamer on the battlefield. I am not here for them. And with that same line of logic, I could not care less about winning or losing a base. I am here to kill as many digital people as I can without dying myself. I love K/D stats, Score per minute is useless to me. For a quality kill may take a few minutes.

    I love mines.
    I love proximity mines even better.
    Just wish I could carry more.
    And with the lattice system coming back, I now have a predictable rear area I can take advantage of ( IED's anyone ).
    I cant wait.

    So, you dont hate the shotty and feel fine its in game.. good for you.
    But know this, when I one shot a target, it fills me with personal satisfaction. It is in affect, my go juice.
    I play for completely different reasons then 99.9% of the players here.
  10. smokemaker

    Not so.
    My current weapons load out is :
    Light assualt
    Vanu Auto shotty ( firing single aimed rounds )
    Slug ammo
    4X scope
    Extended clip
    I can kill at range with 3 body hits or 2 in the head. I commonly out shoot the snipers with it.
    Up close, its still a killer, but on par with the other non shot gun weapons.
  11. Louis Farrakhan

    shotguns are only good at CQC.

    your set up is not good.
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  12. Aegie

    Fair enough, personally I am glad that you seem to enjoy the game so much and you sound like you would be quite an adversary given your perspective. Kudos to you for having some things that you really get a kick out of using in the game.
  13. Stargazer86


    So, are shotguns not supposed to be good at close range? Wouldn't you agree that shotguns need to have the fastest TTK when in close proximity to an enemy? Shouldn't they have an advantage over other weapons at less than 10m? Why would anyone buy a shotgun if they did not provide some sort of benefit over using an SMG or Carbine? All I'm hearing is "Nerf shotguns!" without any indication as to what people would change and why.

    Would you nerf general accuracy? Spread? Range? Reload? Give them less pellets? Less ammo? Fire slower? Use some absolutes here.

    Are people specifically complaining about the pump shotguns, or shotguns in general? I believe most of the annoyance is directed towards pump shotguns, myself, since I don't think I've heard a single complaint about how the Barrage or semi-auto equivalent is OP.

    If you did nerf the pump shotgun to be on par with the autoshotguns, namely killing in 2 shots instead of 1, then why would anyone buy a pump? It has less ammo, fires slower, and has a longer reload than both the semi-auto and auto shotguns which also kill in 2 hits.
  14. Aegie

    Shotguns work like this in CQC against body armor compared to ARs

    Personally, I would really appreciate if they coded the shotguns to perform more like shotguns. No shotgun in the world fires pellets that even come close to having the damage of an AR round and yet here in PS2, 1 pellet from a shotgun = 1 AR round.
  15. LanceHavenbay

    From using the shotguns and rifles, they are NOT OP. They need their effective range reduced by 10m, but other than that... They are perfectly fine.
    • Up x 1
  16. santuckcasper

    hmmmmmmmmmm one shot kill........ no aiming....... ITS A D*** SHOTGUN, they just need to nerf the range and give one to at least the engineer class or something
  17. santuckcasper

  18. WalrusJones

    I am starting to see why people really hate the shotguns, and i have a proposed solution:

    Take off one pellet from the pump actions: Then the shotgun isn't a OHK on people with high ranks of nanoweave unless they hit with all pellets with at least one headshot, and the range will pull in to be slightly closer.
  19. Clutchstep

    Thank goodness for VR training, I was so close to buying a Battle Rifle because I didn't believe people who were saying how much it sucked. But a shotgun with slugs is just better in every way than a Battle Rifle.

    I bought the VS auto-shotgun and it is a great all-around gun. It's really good at any range with the right attachments and some practice. It would be OP if a single loadout worked well in all situations, but you really sacrifice range to have good CQC ability, and vice versa. My only regret is getting the automatic one instead of the one with the bigger clip.

    I think shotguns are fine though. They're going to tear you up before you can blink if someone gets the drop on you (or if they're strapped to a MAX in a biolab), but in any other situation you're on equal footing or better.
  20. TheMagicCookie