why do i have to take falloff into account and you just have to point the dot at them *jealous NC achmed is jealous* but i also love sitting in trees and doing this. its like playing a round of deer hunter
Anyone else noticed how most slug videos are from Vanu players? I smell OP conspiracy. I've used Slugs myself n at those distances you're shooting at I'd be struggling for a sec with bullet drop.
You sure there is bullet drop fot NC when using slugs? In this video it looks like there is no drop for TR at least.
There is bullet drop for slugs in that video. He's high up there for bullet drop is virtually non existant if it had been other way around as in he'd been shooting upwards or even horistonal in comparison to his position he'd be suffering from bullet drop. It's like throwing a ball downwards it will barely change it's direction since it's already moving in the direction of gravity sure maybe at an angle even but not enough of an angle to be affected. While if you throw a ball straight forward gravity will pull it downwards quite noticeably. ^^
TR and NC Slugs do have bullet drop, but it's hard to notice on short distances (read: in HS/NV range). Bullet drop becomes more apparent on longer distances, but on those distances it's hard to hit stuff anyway, because of the long travel time. There's a good reason why a lot of Slug Snipers use HS/NV scope, if you can see target through it, then it's in your effective range.
he is using the INV scope which is 1x only. u barly find any bullet drop in that range. also he is shooting from a higher position. if you are using a 3.4 scope (like you did) and have people that big on your screen like they were for you, you allready need to aim above their heads to geta headshot. if yu aim for the body you have a got chance of hitting their legs. it is managable, but you kinda need a first shot to determine how much falloff you have to compensate for. however, the NC and TR slugs seem to be slighty faster. i wont cry OP here but it feels wrong at least. got no problem with vanu weapons not having to compensate for falloff, but the reduced min damage they get kinda doesnt feel min'ed enough on long ranges. especialy not in the shotgun case. btw, you can see thos shotgun slugshots aif you are attacked by them cant you? i mean, vanu weapon ususaly leave a pretty visisble trail, does the VS slug leave one too? never been shot by one so thats why im asking ^^
Ok, there is a drop then. However the TR player on that video isn't shooting targets any shorter than I was in that video. I had my NV scope on first just before making the video and I was sniping people as far as I could see with that scope. I went to change the scope simply because it was hard to see throught all those leafes with the NV. But yeah I understand with little drop it would be harder to hit in the head even tho from higher position it would still be equally easy to hit the target. Thing is I haven't noticed damage fall off with the slugs. It still takes three shots to kill from as far as people render than it takes to kill them up close with slugs. I dont think the slugs leaves any trail behind. Shotgun has pretty big muzzle flash and there is no flash suppressors available so I think at least at dark it wont be too hard to see me if Iam shooting from a tree. That is if you just happen to look high enough ofc.
I got the TR 8rnd semi-auto shotty the other day. Been sort of sniping with it when the situation arises. There is definitely drop on it, even at medium ranges. I find it easier to use the NV scope rather than a dot because the sight has a vertical line with pips on it which makes compensating for the drop easier. That said the sniping I've been doing has only been medium/close range, 10 - 50 meters or so I'd guess. Have found the sniper shotty really good at night when it's easier to hide. Being able to reliably drop an inattentive enemy with a couple of quick shots is a good addition to the LA bag of tricks.
slug max damage is ~500 if im not totaly mistaken. min dmg? no idea but i if i had to guess and you tell me you can kill everything with 3 shots at least (I usualy do), than its probably arround 350 min dmg which would be 1050 dmg in total. when im on my sniping spree, I usualy go for the 4x chevron scope and im using this for +50m "fights" to pick out snipers nests or just for enemy harassment.
Holy cow! Yesterday i bought the nova and certed for slugs, ext. mag and the 3,5x scope with the red dot. This weapon is a beast, mid range kills are pretty easy - for long rang u need a standing target to actually kill it fast. Also close combat is possible, hip fire is kinda bad but u get used to it. <3 slugs
Yup its good. Now that you have gotten the feel of the slugs, try using buckshots and get yourself close to the enemy. Its going to give you another "wow" effect once you start dropping enemies. And only shoot from the hip with them.
I got the pandora for the buckshot-wow-feeling ^^ But only viable in biodomes or some small buildings
You could have done the same with bucks on Nova as well. Full auto is pretty much only usefull when you are hugging maxes. Otherwise you are more likely to just blow out your ammo too fast. Buckshots works in surprisingly many places not only for those you mentioned. I have used them on watchtowers, amp stations and such. Its just you have to change your playstyle in order to get close. Having both drifter and jump jet helps on that when you choose the one which works the best on a current situation. In those amp stations where is the wall around the base drifter works great. Just get on in one of the towers and jump from the jump pad which takes you to another tower. In mid air stop the flight with drifter and there you have it. You are high in the air and can go anywhere in the base pretty much undetected.
Sure its good in many situations but u must search for them, with slugs u are able to fight from close to gar away without changing anything, just depends on your aim I really like the pandora if the Enemy is spawncamping, just run out and give them hell ^^
I used to run with slugs only at first but soon noticed their weakness. Hip fire accuracy is pretty bad and sometimes I either missed the whole clip or it took all 12 shots to kill a guy who is standing 5-10 meters away. At bit further than that and you must aim down sights or otherwise you wont hit and when you do that you are in trouble against any decent player with fast shooting carbine and laser. Also HA's with their shields take 4-5 shots to kill so you will die often against them at close range. With bucks you kill with two shots or one in the head and they always hit the target when you put aim on enemy so you have more reliable way of dealing enemies and HA's arent big problem either. Downside of course is that they lose pretty much all damage over 15 meters or so.
Just added a new clip with some more action. This time from the Crown. That place is quite fun to defend and I sure wasn't going to let anyone take it since VS finally managed to capture it. 90% of the time TR is controlling the place...
because most LA realized that there is a minimap to look on, which only works when your vision is not obstructed by a 12x Scope no offense meant but most snipers don't EVER look on the minimap, scanning it for approaching LAs