Shooting at Flash riders so they pick you up...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RoMoronik666, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. RoMoronik666

    Does anyone else get really annoyed by friendlies who do damage to you like this?
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  2. Raichu

    Maybe if you stopeed they wouldnt shoot
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  3. Oreo202

    I would find that annoying. Flashes are not what you want to be riding on to be picked up. They could be there just to go off of a cliff or they could have C4 strapped onto them and be heading for a tank.
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  4. WaiZen

    Flashes are things of the past ! I mean, I didn't use a flash since a long time. They cost too much and do too little unless it's a fury wraith. That aside, gotta say I hate it when people shoot at my vehicles. lol
  5. TheBillOf3D

    Especially since they can just hit 'Q' and select 'request a ride'. You could also stop and pick them up then floor it and bail just as it goes over the cliff.
  6. rayvon

    Aye, Shooting at me is not going to get you a lift.
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  7. RoMoronik666

    Next time i will stop for them. When they climb on i will disembark and knife them.
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  8. DashTech

    I used to use flashes to get to the region I wanted to play in. Now I spend a few minutes suiciding and redeploying one region along at a time until I get there. This game is soooo fun!
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  9. Scatterblak

    Immediate TK for me - I go back and kill them. I can see the icon, I can hear the message, and I'll usually pick someone up - if I don't there's a reason, and I'm not anyone's taxi. So, they shoot me for a ride, I kill them.

    ...looking forward to the replies explaining what an a55hol3 I am, terrible person, awful player, etc.
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  10. rayvon

    whats an a55hol3 ?
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  11. Kirbs

    Anyone who shoots at their fellow team members for a lift deserves swift judgment.
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  12. DramaticExit

    You seem to like inviting a hostile reponse to your own fairly reasonable actions. Why is that?

    Someone who shoots at flash drivers in order to get a lift, is being rude. Reversing over them is reasonable-ish... Nothing remarkable, nor something that people would think is particularly terrible or awful as a reaction to it... Even if it is a little tiny bit knee-jerk. So given your reaction to it is reasonable, why do you feel the need to pre-empt a hostile reaction? Unless you're looking for a verbal fight, that is...

    Scatterblak: "I do something totally understandable and relatively normal, AND I WANT YOU ALL TO CRY ABOUT IT AND ARGUE WITH ME!"

    See why this is odd?
  13. P4NJ

    I let them in, take them to the nearest cliff/bridge and turbo off of it, jumping out just before the flash goes over.
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  14. Juni

    I find this very annoying... I even have people shoot me when I already have someone on the back
  15. Chris Bingley

    Yeah, this frustrates me as well. I always lock my flash and if somebody shoots me for a ride I stop and let them see that they don't have access, then drive off.

    My flash is for me and me alone. I don't like the rumble seat (I never have) and if I've pulled a flash rather than a tank or sundy then I'm probably leaving the zerg and going elsewhere, or at least heading off in front of the zerg to get some infiltrating done (which I can't do if I've got some loud clanky HA with me).
  16. HMR85

    If you shoot at my vehicle your not gonna get a dam ride...Period. :mad: I don't mind picking up random people from time to time to help get them to the front. But, I despise people who are launching rockets at my sundy/flash/ w/e and such to get me to stop and pick them up. IMO, you do that crap you can walk. I'm more likely to stop and pick up the guy spamming the "I need a ride" macro then the other.
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  17. KenDelta

    Such annoying and irritating act.They mostly shoot my harasser so they could gun for me, I endup driving over them or shooting back @ em.
  18. Whiskey Victor

    Ignorance. Curable!

    I'd argue that the flash is the most powerful weapon in the game. Full stop.

    Add a level of stealth and a fully certed scout radar. It's an AWACS plane on four wheels. It changes the tide of battles. 31k square meters of seeing everything your opponent is up to. Priceless.
  19. Eleo

    You can also stop acting as if they obliterated your precious flash.

    There is no way to know if the driver actualy didnt notice you or simply dont care.
  20. Crowne

    I believe it's the pre-production model of ZOE Max Units:

    Edit: about topic... depends. I don't mind a couple bullets getting my attention. I prefer that than having to wait and see if player X wants a ride or not. Sometimes I might go to some random place though so kind of a gamble for them.
    On the other hand, if I'm in someone else's sunderer, or galaxy, and someone shoots at us, I take them out immediately. In those situations I'm tasked with defense and anyone shooting at us constitutes a threat. Nothing personal, just doing my job.
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