[Suggestion] Shock Trooper (cost Nanites)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GImofoJoe, Aug 13, 2020.

  1. GImofoJoe

    How about a new class? Tip of the spear in room clearing and advancing entrenched areas. A hybrid of Light and Heavy Assault.
    Inspiration from Boba Fett.

    Cost: 100-200 Nanites (debatable)

    Abilities: Jump Jets. And a flame thrower with weak dot, but temporary blinds vision. Alternative to the flame thrower could be chemical sprays that blur vision and slow movement (Concussion effects). The effects should be shorter than the grenades.

    Weapons: Heavy Assault weapons with the addition of shotgun or heavy weapons on secondary.

    Shields: 750 instead of default 500. Needs a tiny bit additional survivability for this role, considering it cost Nanites and playing kamikaze.

    Longer revive however shorter than MAX.
  2. That_One_Kane_Guy

    So a Heavy Assault, but even stronger. With an on-demand wrist-mounted flashbang/concussion grenade. Also comes with ASP-perked weapon slots. It can also fly.

    You have a strange concept of what a kamikaze is.
    • Up x 2
  3. Blam320

    Just play Heavy, and instead of cowering at the doorway, actually push forward into the room. Get some pubbies or squadmates to actually try pushing in with you. They can't gun down everyone at once.
  4. GImofoJoe

    You paint it how you want.

    No overshield, get destroyed with less than 10 bullets on average for 100-200 nanites and only effective at close range, granted if they don't get insta gibbed. Yes this class is for people who wants to gamble sizeable nanites for a small chance of handicap room for others to advance. Probably slightly more effective than someone with 3 grenades.
  5. InexoraVC

    The best room cleaners are coordinated actions. 2 emp grenades and then few heavys rushes the room followed by C4 LA and medics - that is the solution.
  6. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Please don't confuse illumination for paint. Claiming this setup is anything other than a walking Clown Car is being economical with the truth.