Hi there, Im looking to start a small outfit mainly comprised of few but tight-nit and dedicated players who enjoy as much as I do that whole messing around behind enemy lines and coming up with fun ways to disrupt and destroy where least expected. I've so far mainly worked alone or with some friends occasionally, but it is very hard to find people who would stick to this sort of activity when most prefer farming for certs and play big fights. I enjoy those too, but the quiet roaming and small team-work aspect, I enjoy more. I think an elite and highly organized group who specializes in that sort of activity would expand on the fun to be had, but also the broadened strategy possibilities for Vanu. So, you think this outfit idea might work for you ? Then see to fill our equipment requirements (may change over time), and if interested drop a small line here, presenting yourself, with your TZ, and saying why you think this might be a good team for you. You can also try contacting me ingame. Infantry: Musthave: Heavy Assault - Hades and Nemesis launchers, x2 C4 pouch, Munitions pouch 2, Nano armor 4 or 5 Infiltrator - Parallax rifle, Hunter cloaking 5, proximity mine x 1 or 2, Terminal hacking Engineer - x1 or 2 Tank mine, C4 pouch (however many you have), Nano armor 4 or 5 Not so musthave: MAX - x 2 anti-air guns, x2 anti-vehicle guns Light Assault - Jump jets 4 or 5, x1 or 2 C4 pouch Medic - Medical applicator 4 or 5, Triage 3 to 5. Vehicles: Musthave: Deployable Sunderer (with blockade armor and more if possible) Lightning - Skyguard gun ****IMPORTANT**** MUST BE A FREESPACE 2 FAN TO JOIN ! ( Just kidding !) PS: And for comms we will either use the ingame channel or skype. I am currently working on getting us a TS server. ----------------------
Sounds like something I may be interested in... though I mostly fly (can provide scouting intel), I tend to favor being a Medic when I'm not. I've always enjoyed going behind enemy lines disrupting things. "A Thorn in the side may be small, but even the biggest person still squirms!" I currently don't have all the "Musthave" things on the list, but I don't mind helping out in anyway that I can. If you ever need a solid pilot/driver then hit me up. Do you have a site planned (forums etc.) and how many players so far do you have lined up?
This sounds like a cool outfit that would be a lot of fun! I'm pretty new to the game, but played Battlefield before this and am pretty familiar to the FPS genre. I don't have all the "must-haves" on your list, I'm only battle rank 6 but hope to improve in the future. None of my friends want to play this game and so I figured to get the true experience I had to join an outfit. I usually play heavy assault and can drive tanks pretty well. I hope you consider, and see you on the ground, fellow Auraxian!
Hi guys ! Thank you for your interest in this outfit, However I must stress that C4 and lock-on air and ground rocket capabilities are a MUST to join this outfit. We are planning to be a very small and manageable group at the beginning, 4-5 people, and we must be working at max efficiency from the start. So thanks for your understanding in this, and you may of course re-apply once you get to where you need to be for this. As so far we don't have a forum planned, but in the near future probably, I first want to see how people like this and work together and if a tight-nit project like this has potential.
Hey Suhr. I am interested in join your outfit. I too prefer the close knit gameplay of Planetside and love to cause havoc on players. Let me give you some info about my self IGN: Gaylien Battlerank: 37 K/D: .71 SPM; 123.1 Those are just some stats that you might want to know. I do have most of the class requirements requested except for MAX. I have a stick of C4 for each of my classes. I unfortunately do not have the Parallax rifle but I will try to get it soon. Otherwise I meet the requirements you asked except for the lightning which is my only vehicle with a stock gun. A little bit about me. I am a fun natured guy that likes to do highly organized missions and attacks. I love to laugh and can be serious when needed. I specialize in vehicle and anti vehicle gameplay and am very effective at taking down armour. My main class weapons: HA: Flare VE6, Eidolon Battle rifle, Lancer, Nemesis, and Hades. C4 LA: Serpent VE92, C4 Engineer: Serpent VE92, Tank mines, proximity mines, C4, AV Mana turret. Infiltrator: XM98 MAX: Blueshift I have the NS7-PDW and the Comissioner to use in all classes so there is that. I do have all of the suit slots that you requested on my classes also. I hope you take me into consideration when deciding between people. Thanks.
Hi there ! Sorry for late reply, and yes you seem like a good candidate ! The priority for you now would be to have at least one toon with x2 C4 capability. I will contact you ingame and we will go for a test run. Laters !
I can't though! I AM...Tyranny. Think of it like this, in my mind, the TR, are a bunch of Judges (Like Dredd). But I have been testing the VS waters lately. It is quite fun.