Hi there Im getting an odd error On launching the game Im getting a box saying launchpad shell installing updates then the main window pops up and crashes with the following error message ERROR! Unable to download SocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony....anetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony....anetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony....anetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony....anetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony....anetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony....lanetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soe
I was going to write shell updater but must have mistyped.. and you cant edit a thread title.. Anyway I have been playing planetside since beta.. Even uninstalling & reinstalling through steam brings up the same error.. any help available?
Ok looks like I managed to resolve this myself but after trying alot of things I eventually resolved this with a FUll system restore to the 25th Dec. I suspect there may be trouble ahead as this would tend to indicate this was a problem with a windows update or an antivirus update.. My PC may be downloading the same problem as I type this. In the meantime it works.. so If you get a shall updater error you can always fall back on a restore. Cant promise a total fix. Ill post here again if it goes all Snafu again
why is this a factor in the thread? i've been playing mt:g since when fire-breath didnt have "until end of turn"... so?
https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...-socketerrorunreachable-no-data-11004.173782/ Check out my post ^ !! Hope it helps!