Just watched the CMDR Cyrious stream where he said its coming. gg PS2 its been fun.... and i had just started playing again every day a few weeks now. only reason i stopped was because there was no population on Connery anymore. was just waiting for the NA server merge....
When the servers shutdown is pure speculation at this point. Dude even says in his video it's clickbait. As always people with no idea what they're talking about making insane predictions for the game, even checked out the reddit for once and there's even a dude asking for more maps from a new dev team lmao. No one knows at this point, and I wouldn't worry too much about that tbh. I'm pretty sure the game's got at least a year or 2 left before they shutdown the servers. If the development is stopped that might actually be the best news the game's had in years. Every update, any development that's ever been to this game after launch has pretty much always ended up making it worse. What, we might not get fishing or the stryder? Lmao, good riddance. Seriously the best thing they can do to this game at this point would be to revert it back to launch or pre-cai at least. At the very least just leave it alone, they have no idea how to develop planetside or any fps game for that matter, and the updates just speak for themselves. They planned to leave sundys in this busted state anyway, they made audio worse in most cases, and their highlights for upcoming updates were fishing, a goofy vehicle and another base mode gimmick. Literally the only thing anyone was looking forward to was the connery/emerald merge, which was overdue nearly 2 years now. So yeah I wouldn't worry too much tbh, this is great news for now and we'll see what happens next. Yeah it would've been nice to get devs that actually understand the game, revert all of wrel's garbage, cai and all the bad decisions made by incompetent people over the years, to actually start addressing the core issues that plagued the game since it's inception. But unfortunately it seems this game's been plagued by incompetence pretty much since launch, and this team was no different. Realistically I think the best case scenario for the game would be for them to stop all development which only served to make the game worse anyway, and keep the game in maintenance mode. It would be nice if they merge the servers, it would be amazing if they reverted the game to an earlier state. But yeah keeping the game running with no updates would be the best thing that's happened to this game in years. At least for now they can't keep making the game worse. Great news overall.
If planetside fails I blame poor leadership decisions by the EG7 suits AND by past lead RPG game designers / devs. Mistakes like CTF have done so much damage to the game and the recent crashes added in the archeology bundle have caused many to stop playing. Frankly I'm surprised this game still has so many loyal players. This game has so much potential but leadership decisions killed it's potential .
The official EG7 statement says that 42 of 69 employees will temporarily remain with the company to complete ongoing work-for-hire contracts - including Daybreak Game Company games. And the PlanetSide2 December Dev Letter says : "Here’s to another year of epic battles, thrilling adventures, and unforgettable moments. See you on the frontlines!" I got my Glitch Horn, looking forward to Auraximas 2025!
https://imgur.com/MDfclC8 He just dropped another nugget I needed to share with you all, seriously it sucks they're firing the team cuz they could've really hired this guy.
IDK about the "they succeeded at doing that" part. I effortlessly destroyed 3 Sunderers on the Ascent yesterday. But a better question is why are they reworking the game's assets, for off hours? Who cares about off hours... It's the time when everybody goes offline. Merging the servers did the sufficient job at keeping the game active in off hours, it's about the population, the Sunderer changes may as well be reverted. They did jack, only problems.
Where is this Discord server? Why do you believe it might be a dev? If it is, it seems like they don't play the game with all due respect. Sunderers are not a success. They are worse, especially for infantry now and lightnings/solo tanks. A nanite armor sundy is a huge pain to deal with if you don't have enough DPS. The decimator, MANA AV , UBGL, etc. are useless to fend off a manned nanite armor sundy. You would need a serious, overwhelming force to counter it. Too tp it off, like you said, sundies are easy to kill with an engineer.
Cause for example they say that Sunderers are more resilient to LA and Lightening, but first of all it's not the Lightening.... It's the Flash with Fury grenade launcher, it deals same DPS as a Lightening and you can mow down Sunderers easily with such a cheap asset, that can cloak and has arcing motion so you could be firing at the Sunderer around terrain while being completely hidden. And it didn't counter the defensive vehicle chain pull tactic, it further bolstered it, because the infantry has trouble destroying the deployed Sunderer now. And they say that the Sunderer only dies quickly to tank mines now but it's not tank mines, it's C4. It's just tank mines are cheaper. Sunderers get destroyed by less C4 compared to before. Sunderer now gets destroyed by 3 C4 with Nanite Armor / Reactive Armor, 4 C4 with Enhanced Plating. Reactive Armor is very buggy and hard for outfits to get used to since it appears like Nanite Armor, and can also be fully hidden via cosmetics, especially the newest cosmetic. Before, Sunderer died to 5 C4 with deploy shield, heck I believe even with Blockade Armor, which nobody used it took 5 C4.