I can't login. Game starts to load then drops without any errors. Looks like maybe the login server is down? Population on all servers are dropping for the last hour: http://www.therebelscum.net/world-population/?world_id=-1
funny too. had a block of time this morning and kicked holy *** and had a block of time to play for an hour now and it's down.....
Whenever I'm loading up the game, I get a CTD. One of the times it opened a browser for a page saying Game Error G29. I believe that means the login server is down?
Login went down just recently. I logged in a couple hours ago just fine and played for about an hour when the regeneration field on my medic suddenly stopped working. Happened to me before, just have to restart the game. I tried to restart it but when I hit play at the character selection screen the game crashed. After that every time I tried to start the game it crashed as soon as the first loading screen got to 100%.
Same here, launcher loads, press play, pretty artwork screen appears, bar in top left gets to ~1/3rd of the way, then window just disappears, not even a browser window open like normally happens
Don't think we european players will be able to play again today. Devs are probably still sleeping. And its nearly Primetime in europe now.