[BUG] Servers are up! MAX units not showing up on IRNV (Green), only their weapons.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hamakua, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Hamakua


    Max Units are now not showing up on the ESF IRNV, only their weapons... barely. They look like eternally stealthed infiltrators... with dual bursters.

  2. Xasapis

  3. Purg

    A few of them seemed to spot me OK which they then proceeded to come right at me so I could Burster their face off.

    Making my job easier at least against ESF's.
  4. Hamakua

    Updated with video.
  5. LameFox

    I've seen the opposite kind of thing happen in the past with vehicles: they showed up fine, but their attachments were randomly dark.