Forum says theyre all up? But I get "server unavailable" when I launch the game. Cant find any notices in patchnotes etc. Any news?
Definitely can't login to Briggs at least, other servers are fine apparently. There has been weird network quirks all night, people have been complaining about ping issues for about a week, seems like it has culminated in this.
Can´t log in to any server. After pressing log in the game close itself, resulting in nothing. @PresidentFreeman i had ping issues and non-fluent gameplay past 2 days also. Felt like ping problems, while having 80 ping wich is standard to me. Had "damage chunks" problems, as well as hit detection issues...
Ive been having issues since I downloaded a 9GB patch at the beginning of the week (havent played in a while...) Assumed it was just my sister clogging up the bandwidth with streaming...