[Suggestion] Server transfers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spacelife, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Spacelife

    Hello, why aren't we allowed paid character transfers between servers? It would be a pretty easy way of making money for SOE and it'd make me, and probably a lot of others happy.

    I'm quite tired of the Cobalt "meta" which involves every player of somewhat decent skill playing the game only to pad their KD so they can look good in the eyes of their peers. Gone are outfit tactics and interesting battles, instead we get people redeploying all over to find a fight in their favor so they can just keep on padding their KD and claim skill off a number.
  2. barunedpat

    This happens on every server.
  3. FLHuk

    I started on Lithcorp, I then moved to Cobalt and then again to Cobalt.... We'll all be on two servers soon anyways!
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  4. FateJH

    What barunedpat said.
    There is no running away, save for adjustment to the underlying redeployment mechanics.
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  5. Sossen

    It could only be a bad thing, with everyone fleeing the Vanu dominated servers.
  6. stalkish

    I dont see why our characters cant just join whatever server they want, ive played other games where this is the case.

    O sory i forgot, $$$
    This is a free to play game, more characters = more money, allowing people to move from one to another would mean they dont create the other character and spend moneyz.
    At least thats what they probably think in marketing.
  7. Spacelife

    I'm very interested in Moukass' outfit, they seem to have a lot of fun and actually do some tactics.

    All I see on Cobalt is VS instantly redeploying from any fight at the tiniest disadvantage and spawning at a 55%+ friendlies fight to keep on easymode farming.

    I am however not very interested in making a new NC character seeing as I have one well beyond BR100 with all unlocks I could possibly want and an assload of certs in case I would want something else.