[Suggestion] Server Merges/Transfers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TRspy007, Mar 28, 2024.

  1. OpolE

    I'm fed up of hopping between Miller and Cobalt then Emerald. The 2 EU's are in the same place. Get them together.
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  2. Somentine

    You're talking about catering to new players, but implants don't 'cater' to anyone, no different than how most equipment/mechanics in this game don't 'cater' to anyone.

    The only example of 'catering to vets' that you've given so far is ASP.

    And no, not everything in the game needs to be so dumbed down that a new player can instantly do everything with their brain off. For someone spouting "Don't act dumb on purpose. You are not using logic", you certainly fail to apply your logic to any other mechanic in the game; implants hurt new player focus and senses? Okay, well then what about weapon choices, weapon attachments, skill slots, suit slots, utility slots, tool slots... hell, even the class mechanic itself? The fact that you can't take two seconds to apply your argument to any similar mechanic speaks volumes.

    Who wants ASP, Implants, Daily quests, and Tactical slots? A lot of people. Don't even try to pretend otherwise.
    Can these mechanics be balanced better, expanded on, or made more appeasing to newer players? Sure.

    Further, and that absolute irony of this, is that Implants where added to the game like 2 years after launch; it's been so long you might as well say this game launched with implants for all a new player is affected. Hell, even ASP is going on 7 years... out of 12.
  3. TRspy007

    yup same with connery and emerald. Idk why they refuse to merge when it's obvious they should've done so a long time ago. They should at least provide transfer windows to give players the option to retrieve their main characters.
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  4. TRspy007

    Yup actually the fact they took this direction has led to so many negative outcomes in the game, that often end up scaring away new or returning players. A good example is the infil class, it was buffed so much from PS1 so to give less talented players a chance that it's become the cause of quite a lot of cancerous gameplay. Tactics and teamwork and skill plays have all been dumbed down to the point where the game's almost unrecognizable from what it used to be. A bad player can now easily eliminate a skilled player from any range with a single shot from a scope that has no sway and little to no bullet drop, while remaining invisible. Most the missions directed towards new players don't even involve proper gameplay objectives, the lattice system unstable ammo, kneecap ammo, prowler ability, mag ability, a2g, a2a, oshur, spawn revamp,...the list of changes added to supposedly improve the new player experience that ended up ruining the game even more just goes on.

    So much for this game trying to be PS1 with better graphics.

    All this catering to new players for what? Where are they? Do we even have a functioning tutorial? We can't even retain dedicated vets, much less attract any new players lmao
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  5. karlooo

    IMO the game was dumbed down that way to allow application of bot accounts into the game (from linear flow of battle to class designs). Nothing to do with new players, there is 0 interest in them.
    Vets or people with this grinding mentality, are valued, basically the audience who invest most into the game, and the bots are supposed to fill in the rest of the pop to make the game playable with little human activity for the audience that they chose..

    BTW Bot accounts are starting to be noticed by many, especially on Cobalt. I've heard a few joking about it and this idea is moronic without even evaluating it because it has a repulsive effect on even the vet population, nobody wants to play like this... You cannot make perfect bots.
    And also, its the leadership roles that is the lifeforce of PS2. And it is a pretty hard job, requires dedication and time.
    Without them the game is dead.
  6. melioa

    and this is why the player numbers keep getting lower. what is the point of a player logging in to be greeted with an 'unstable' Alert on a continent that is only half open. especially if it is on a continent that they do not like...... Oshur.......Hossin......and the mess that is Esamir.
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  7. TRspy007

    not to mention the highly skilled players going after wHitE cAmO blowing up any chance of a fight during off hours. Games really in a weird state.
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  8. karlooo

    That is a dangerous mind frame. It's pretty much moving towards a mentality where you do not care about anything else other than where the fight is. How dare somebody cut off our AMS support? I just want to mindlessly be in this one spot.. You know, there is much more to Planetside, and it is heading towards a dead game. There is a reason why people complained about territories not having strategical values.

    I posted a new perspective here, of how Planetside 2 performed in 2012.
    Planetside 2 in year 2012 (territory objectives) & Now | PlanetSide 2 Forums (daybreakgames.com)

    Of how territory control was linked to your character's income and how your character's upgrades were divided into more forms of currencies, all linked to territory, rather than everything revolving around one like we have right now, the certs. Therefore, many do not play the real game but prefer grinding it out as it provides more effective income, and that's the result we see right now. I just want to be where the fight is...
  9. TRspy007

    seems I've located one of the low-pop spawn killers....
  10. Hobo G

    Please transfer my character "HoboG" from Connery to Emerald, thank you
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  11. I'mShepard

    Hi everyone,
    Spandexshepard of the Vanu here with BR99 from Cobalt.
    I no longer see the continent opened completely and even during the stage where the content is partially opened, I dont see any big fights happening.

    (Each number is a representation of the playerbase of every server combined)
    playing an hour ago

    24-hour peak

    all-time peak