Server Maintenance for Game Update October 2nd

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Mofker

    Solved it! seems like the game refuses to launch if you have Razer Comms running in the background :D
  2. Gabriella

    Just logged in after a few days.
    I was playing borderlands 2.I wanted a break from the unplayable ps2 and i was waiting for today's patch hopping for a better game experience...NOT.
    The game is worse than before,framerate is awful and it freezes ALL the ****** time,literally all the time,no kidding.
    Back to vault hunting a guess:)
  3. WarmasterRaptor


    The terror continues!! :eek:

    Happy Halloween patch! ;)
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  4. Eternal Enigma

    This is now happening periodically with the centralized HUD. (Image Below)

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  5. LibertyRevolution

    I am full auraxium member and I'm not getting my membership XP, do I need to open a ticket?
    My membership ends tomorrow and I really feel like you guys are screwing me here with breaking it today.
    I expect compensation.


    10 mins went by, I opened a ticket.
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  6. Ownasaurusrex

    Awesome ideas for some game content and holiday flair.
    Good stuff planetside team.
  7. saulotyper

    instead of putting patterns and stuff, why not solve the problem of stuttering in the game that makes ship is moving play
  8. MrDondemanz

    i cannot even download the patch because i get en error loooool
  9. RyderTheZombie

    the game got fully patched and then when i tried to play, i got 0 fps. i usually get 30 fps. idk why this happened.
  10. Devoneir

    This is like being given a roadblock in a highway adn you hit it. The car hits the block and you survive barely. This is the patch. Big Nope.
  11. Eternal Enigma

    Logging out and logging back in fixes the HUD issue each time, but now there's this...(Image Below)


    This can be reproduced on the primary weapon of each class every time you spawn... the only way to correct it is to switch to a different weapon and switch back. Tried logging out and logging back in... this issue is still there.
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  12. taxidriver

    Basically the best patch since i started playing. Yes yes and again yess. Rewarding players who PTFO - YESS. Flash - YES. Scopes - YES. Spawn-kill 0XP - YES.
    I love you, just hoping that it all works - of course there will be new bugs now...

    A heartfelt wish: a slight increase in damage to the Python-HEAT (from 1275 to ~1325 or at least 1300 - middle of the road between HE and AP) as there`s barely any reason to use, what was my favorite cannon. The Viper is more effective at both - vehicles and often also infantry. Also this little extra damage could bring players to alternate between HE and HEAT again, depending on the situation. Python-HEAT has almost disappeared from the battlefield.

    Apart from that, great job.
  13. ShoeFlip

    I am honestly not surprised they did this, they are just taking the same approach to the f2p model that every other f2p game does. Nobody likes the free players, so they cater to the payed members - it just so happens that in this case it is total a$s-hattery that makes no sense given that payed players are buying weapons and what not with station cash so they don't need the free certs handout. F*ck the free to play players, amirite. :rolleyes:

    Also, the game freezes seem to have gotten worse for me - but my god at least SOE added new shiny toys and fixed pointless directive things. Starting to really question why I'm still playing this game, the devs don't seem to care about retaining players at this point, this is all just a money grab for them apparently.
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  14. NCFelca

    Great ideas and changes,
    BUT:now my game is running w/ 20-25fps and i have random freezes;before i had 40-50fps and not 1 freeze:(
    PS:i apologize for my bad grammar I'm not the best english speaker
  15. MagnaCore

    Can't start Application... PlanetSide2_X64.exe
    "the application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b "

    Any suggestions?
  16. LibertyRevolution

    The engines hitching on my ESF while flying is gone.
    I now I have hitching in my infantry play instead. :rolleyes:

    Can you break it back the other way??
    I only fly for transport, but I can't shoot dudes with my screen freezing when I switch to ADS..
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  17. Bernd Lauert

    What happened to my membership XP Bonus? ATM I'm receiving 0% Bonus when it should already be 50 from Auraxium Membership.
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  18. LibertyRevolution

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  19. Drasilov

    AFAIK when there's a server downtime nobody gets any bonus. Or the timer restarts from when the server is up.
  20. Drasilov

    Still no PhysX. Trademark SOE - if its difficult to do it wont get done. Same story in EQ2.