Server Maintenance for Game Update October 2nd

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Hakase01

    Briggs server players can not play except Amerish, because of the halloween events.
    Close the worthless events IMMEDIATELY !!!!!!
  2. dezusa

    New hotfixes when?
    I cant trust dcarey when he says anything related to bug fixing anymore.
    The game has been going downhill since the valk patch for me :confused:
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  3. 3punkt14159

    Same for me, and i cant find a clear announcement from mister Carey here in this forum, or am i blind?
  4. Foreman Joe

    Well, there are rumors that snowman exists. Rumors are nothing - show me the real thing.
    Eggheads may SAY anything to get funding, consider the budget - it's common practice. Such tech as cloaking can exist of course, but does it also make you produce.. say no heat? Simple view through some thermal imaging camera and your super-expensive-ultra-tech cloak cover is gone.
  5. 3punkt14159

    Ok so why to hell we are talking here about cloaking technology here in this thread? Why there is no statement from dcarey about that patch and why i cant read anything about a real fix for that memory lack or about the hit detection or anything else? (yes i know there is twitter and reddit, but i dont care, this is the official forum!!) Or is dcary a synonym for dont care about you f* opinion

    Does it take another month and an QOL (--> Quality of live!!??) Patch or is the plan just shoot down the servers and lat the crap by crap? Or you wanna force us the buy the Play Station 4 or what??

    Sorry for my rubbish post,..
  6. Desann

    This I cannot do....

    I refuse to make a "twitter" account. I hate even saying the terms "twitter" or "tweeting" F-in stupid!
  7. Ares The Killer

    Guys a few months ago they announced they will be using Reddit and Twitter over their own forums... Which makes me laugh because well thats the worst thing to do... It pisses more people off than they think.
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  8. ninzor

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  9. DatVanuMan

    How does one use social media?
  10. DatVanuMan

    Agreed as in "Yes, that does piss me off", or as in "Agreed, they did the right thing"?
  11. Desann

    By selling ones soul!
  12. DatVanuMan

    Okay, thanks:D
  13. dezusa

    I tried playing today, hoping for some miracle.
    Nope, getting magical CTDs (or PS2 being in a 'not responding' state, then CTDs) even when just driving.
    just what is going on :(
  14. Kirppu1

    I know how you guys could make the game better!
    Implant every single thing to the test server(it is allowed to crash since its a test server), Yes even the PhysX, this would make it easier for us to help and trouble shoot stuff for you, even if there are "only" like 50 players in there, it'll still have a bigger chance that bugs are found before the test server and because it's an test server it's ok if it crashes, flips out, and/or has other problems since the crashes would bring invaluable information (just make sure that it's automated and that it uploads a little crash dump to the server) and this could result in lower bug counts in a patch when it is released.
  15. sjtw_w_stot

    Meh, you can throw money at this game only so many times before you realize all you get back for your money is beta. Spend your valuable money of a platform which has proven itself to be stable and actually functions properly like WOW or something. Money going to SONY and PS2 is a waste.
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  16. Ares The Killer

    OMG THEY FINALLY FIXED IT! Only took em half a week :/I still think Sony needs to keep a closer eye on their devs and kick em in the *** though.
  17. dezusa

    At the current state of the game, and how these patches are just filled with bugs, yea its gotta be this.

    Stuttering seems to have been fixed, but my client seems to keep on crashing :eek:
  18. 3punkt14159

    Still freezing! The following video was taken from my mobile phone, by listening to the sound you hear it very well.

    And just for saiing it, before the Valkyrie Patch it was working very well.
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  19. Jimmie

    I hope they will increase the contrast of the new crosshairs.
  20. Devoneir

    Prepare for a patch to fix the patch that was meant to make life better.