Server Downtime for Patch January 9, 2014 6 AM PT (3 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. RyanGUK

    Did an entire script for this but basically:


    below is the script:

    basically, i have way too much time on my hands.
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  2. deggy

    Equipping the NS-7 makes you a MAN, capable of simply shoving the magazine in through the solid metal side of the gun.

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  3. Mustarde

    I hope this fixes the issue with sniper rifle scoping! Looks promising
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  4. Sparrow

    Inb4 another 3-4 days of not working servers due to a patch. Devs I really hope you learnt to quadruple check a patch before going live with it.
  5. Revanmug

    The exact same thought went through my mind. Also hope the widescreen aspect ratio fix is in it as well.
  6. Goden

    Pretty unfair warpgate rotation.
  7. ReconOne

    One day, advances in recovered Vanu technology will allow for live patching with no downtime.

    Also, Worms from Dune will roam Indar, ridden by spandex clad warriors, TR Maxes will fly like Iron Man and NC troops will automatically rezz once per day by using their corperate healthcare I.D. card.

  8. NccWarp9

    It was disabled for Pro7 customers for the last 9 days.
  9. Ketadine

    I don't mind the rotation, but can you guys mix it up sometimes ? I mean, each time the warpgates rotates TR for example, from their perspective, TR has to fight VS to the right and NC to the left. How about you switch NC with VS warpgates ? So in this warpgate rotation, the TR would fight the NC for Peris and the VS for Howling Pass, instead of the way around.
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  10. Torok


    After 9 MONTHS YES!
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  11. Kunavi

    And what about the NS PDW?...
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  12. J.C Simonetti

    Not fair, last time NC had North Warpgate for almost 2 months!

    Again, TR gets hit... with a Warpgate nerf. We're pretty much sh*t now.

    No weapons, No vehicles that can compete
  13. Seuchensaal

    Seriously? I get drowned in the red flood quite often. They seem to be able to compete quite good.
  14. f0d

    actually TR has had the north warpgate longer than any other faction
    and since that was the score as of the 21st of december you can add about 2+ more weeks on top of TR's 155days (which equals about 174 ish days)

    NC have actually had the north warpgate the least amount of time out of all the factions
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  15. Kaale

    Oh great TR pop on Ceres has fallen to NC ever since WDS highlighted we were a balanced server. Can't remember the last time NC have lost an alert due to a minimum 10% OP so this is going to be a fun month or 2.
  16. Kaale

    yes 3 new helmet to try.
    Oh wait i'm Pro7, Never mind.

    PS hows the lack of daily sales bug going
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  17. HadesR

    FTFY :)

    Hopefully they will go back to semi consistent changes so no one feels hard done by.
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  18. ZeroErrorz

    can we get that helmet soon, all you need to do SOE is to unretract the retracted helmet, ive seen it its the same thing
  19. warrior222

    I didnt found snowman until now. (((
  20. ncDieseL

    4pm GMT? Bugger. I've got a day off today, but it looks like I'll be lucky to get some decent game time in :(

    So much downtime in the last month. I've got a 2 day boost, but I haven't used it yet because I'm worried about more downtime. It looks like I'll have to hold on to it for longer. Based on recent experience, this patch will most likely trigger further downtime over the next few days.