Server Downtime for Patch February 13, 2014 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. BigBooty

    Have you ever driven an ATV IRL?
    They don't do barrel rolls when going 30 MPH on a straight stretch.
    Scratch that, they don't do barrel rolls at all.
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  2. Rohxer

    NOT fixed.

    You forgot to fix it for helmets and weapons as you did for the body.

    Easy to test - two factions meet in a field. Use two machines side by side so you can truly test it.

    One has the new Stalker Cloak. He stops. And crouches.

    The other player sees them vanish! (well almost, but pretty darn well) (ultra settings).

    The NON-infiltrator moves around slightly.

    Suddenly they can now see the "hidden" infiltrator's helmet and weapon in normal-mode stealth, standing out like a sore thumb.

    Whatever code you did for the body did not work for the head and weapon.
  3. SpruceMoose

    This patch was under cooked I demand a new one
  4. chrisarn94

    Perhaps you should suggest it
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  5. Octiceps

    The previously missing particle effects (teleporter, bullet impacts, etc.) have been restored with this patch, but now the Harasser model is glitched and flickers like crazy. Looking at them is like having a seizure.
  6. crazedjb

    love it! thanks SOE :)
  7. KodanBlack

    I have to get this off of my chest. I'm not to thrilled about weapons with cutesy particle effect hearts in this game. It's definitely not something that I'd picture in a war zone. This kind of thing just make the game silly. I hope they don't continue this trend as it really detracts from the feel of the game that they have been working hard to maintain. I'd they want to do this kind of thing, they don't need to worry about screening Player Studio items.

    I would have been much happier if they'd put more time and thought into the new sniper rifles and had them finished on time.
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  8. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    The RAMS .50 reload animation is broken for when it does an auto reload after emptying the magazine. Also the infiltrator speed boost doesn't work. That or the running speed is so minute in change that it is unnoticeable.
  9. Wutaaa

    You obviously did not bother to read and comprehend what I said, nor have you played long enough, or you would know I'm talking about. Do yourself a favor and READ!
  10. Being@RT

    That would actually explain a few things :eek:
  11. ncDieseL

    Yup, for an "All Terrain Vehicle" the ATV in PS2 is pretty naff.

    I think the poor physics of it are to try and nerf the speed/control when you get over-speed, like going down a hill. I think instead of making it really top heavy, they should just reduce the grip or something, make it spin out if you try and take it beyond it's limits. It might actually take some skill to use then. At the moment the "skill" is just not going fast.
  12. ErmyWormz

    Yep, exactly the same. A friend I know got the black PDW, I don't know how this WDS system works, but it's definitly not very fair o_O
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  13. ncDieseL

    I got the black PDW... Thing is, I already have the white one, and although the black one is nice, you have to re-cert all the attachments, which IMO is a massive waste of certs, so I won't ever use it. If I could give it to you, I would! :)
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  14. Conzb

    I didn't get the lost WDS points back, are you sure it's fixed? checked all my characters, didn't find it back
  15. Gastoninho

    Indeed, i thought i spent my 1000 certs in a bunch of crap useless lolpods yesterday. During my training in VR... it almost didn´t kill any VR. Almost no splash damage, just with direct impact, which is almost impossible...:( But in continent... worth every cert spent :D

    EDIT: I noticed some missing animations yesterday. About sniper rams .50 slow reload. Before that patch this issue never happened
  16. DeadAlive99

    Welp....just played all night........crashes still happening on schedule :(

    Please fix the client crashes so we can play the game.
  17. focart

    I don`t know if it`s makes sense to create the new topic... so far on my opinion the Motion Spotter deserve buff. Wish to resupply it with ammo packs of ingi. I know we have better spawn time than standart detect darts but in same time cloackers can`t drop spotter far away and give a vision at distance only right below. Enemy able to spot and destroy new tool. So Motion spotter pay enough for better spawn time.
  18. Lex Talionias

    ok so the decoy patch was needed and should have been in the whole time but what is with the blast radius and damage nerf? i tested them out in the VR room and they are not completely ineffective against infantry, taking as many as 4 salvos to kill a STATIONARY infantry target.

    correct me if im wrong but the coyote was meant to be the 'basilisk of the air' as in jack of all trades, master of nothing. giving players an option to build a more rounded ESF. with the fix so flares work on the coyote and the changed Tomcat lock-on system the Tomcat will now be a competitive choice for AA and probably be better at it then the Coyote so where dose the Coyote stand?

    its already pretty sorry verses ground vehicles and now it cant harm infantry without a direct hit which is pretty much impossible with the inaccurate nature of the weapon. please at least bring the coyote's blast radius back up and ease off on the damage nerf so i can do strafing runs with it again. until then i'm going back to my tomcat, at least its good at its job, the coyote is just a bad joke now.
  19. BobSanders123

  20. BLDO

    I have just logged back into my account, only to find that my progress has been deleted AGAIN. First time, I had 750 WDS points. Second time I had about the same again, I believe is was 639. Just logged back in to find it has been reset to 0 AGAIN. Would really like to see this fixed. In total that is about 1400 WDS points deleted.