Server based Base names

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Prudentia, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Prudentia

    so currently pretty much every server has a base that is named after it, or named same, because base and server names both derive from the lore.
    Genudine Physics lab
    Camp Waterson
    Ceres Hydoponics
    Jaegers fist
    Camp Connery
    Woodman somethingsomething
    Cobalt Com Labs

    just Miller doesn't.... i mean, i understand that there are probably many christians in the dev team and they don't want to break the biblic rule "you shall not have a god besides me" (or "you do not have a god besides me" if any person would ever care about the proper translation) but i still think that the peasants on other servers should get the oportunity to worship the Millermasterrace :/
    therefor i propose that Allatum Biolab gets renamed into Miller Biolab, so every Faction on every server can bring blood sacrifices in the name of the Trinity: Generator, SCU and Holy Spawnroom.


    EDIT: also now that i think of it: someone into playerstudio stuff make a helmet named Crusader, you will sell even more than the commisioner hat.
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  2. Latrodectus

    There's a server called Miller?
  3. Prudentia

    Oh you Heathens will burn in Hellfire

    as soon as they implement MAX Flamethrowers...
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  4. FateJH

    Only small bases get this treatment. Major bases follow PS1 lore and, before even that, derive their names from various Earth mythology. Indar bases, for example, are named after various Persian (Zoroastrian) spirits. The other continents follow similar systems.
  5. tastyBerryPunch

    To solve this problem, I think it would be best, that after the Miller/Woodman merge the new server be called Lithcorp, since there is a base called Lithcorp secure mine on Amerish.
  6. Flag

    And there's 2 bases on Esamir with Waterson and Mattherson as their namesakes because of the merger smash.