Serpent - laser or foregrip?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by patrykK1028, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. patrykK1028

    I have problems.with my Serpenft: I run out of mag before I kill because of recoil (on mid-rNge), but Im not sure if I want foregrip because I saw that laser increases accuracy when flying with jet pack. I didnt buy laser to any of my weapon because I always aim but I cant aim when using jetpack and Im not sure if foregrip.would increase my accuracy enoigh to kill guys before I must reload.
    PS. soryr for my keyboard
  2. Iridar51

    That is LOOOOONG since not true. If you want up to date info, you should check out my LA guide.
    So no, for your playstyle laser wouldn't be much use. That said, Serpent does not benefit much from the forward grip, since it does lower damage at range than most other carbines.

    If you're not going to hip fire, you should consider switching to Zenith in the future. It has access to advanced forward grip and 0.75x ADS movespeed multiplier, which will make you faster and more accurate while aiming.
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  3. cruczi

    What's that supposed to mean?
  4. Iridar51

    Lower minimum damage.
  5. cruczi

    No, I mean what do you mean "foregrip is less useful because of lower minimum damage". How does that follow ?
  6. SeanFree

    A weapon at 845 rpm and a 30 round mag rarely is effective outside of close range...

    As to the OP, I'll have to agree with Iridar. If you want a mudrange grip weapon, grab a Zenith or stick with the very underrated (IMO) Solstice with a grip. The Serpent/VX6-7 are CQC beasts meant to be hipfired although the VX6-7 can have it's range extended a bit if you can manage the high rpm.
  7. cruczi

    That has nothing to do with minimum damage. And I still don't see the relevance to the forward grip.
  8. SeanFree

    I think what he was trying to point out is that the Serpent is a CQC gun because it has the stats of a CQC gun and throwing a grip on it to attempt to extend the range is fairly pointless as it won't be very good compared to the other options.
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  9. cruczi

    It improves your hit % at any range where you ADS, especially if you aim for the head as you should. Coincidentally, this may increase the effective range of the weapon, but the real reason to use a forward grip on a CQC carbine is to make it better at headshots in close quarters.
  10. SeanFree

    I agree 100%, I ran a forward grip on my Bandit Auraxium (mmmm 0.75 ADS) which is a CQC focused weapon. It feels like what the OP is asking for (a carbine that can stretch out to midrange) would be better suited to Zenith/Solstice and then equipping a Serpent w/ laser for the close stuff.
  11. Iridar51

    I just don't like forward grips on CQC weapons. Had we not a discussion on this topic already?
    There are multiple factors why CQC carbines are bad at range:
    1. High horizontal recoil, and very high recoil per second overall
    2. High recoil angle variance, especially in case of Serpent, which has variance of 7 degrees
    3. High bloom per second
    4. Strong damage degradation
    5. Low bullet velocity
    Forward grip will somewhat help with number one, and possibly number two, but all other factors will remain. The only reason to even use a powered-up CQC carbine is for its extremely high DPS at close range - where you don't need forward grip anyway - and accurate hip fire with ALS.

    However, as the OP clearly stated, he does not intend to hip fire, and he only considered ALS because of the mid-air accuracy, which LS no longer provides. So if he's going to ADS most of the time anyway, might as well use the weapon that's good at it.
  12. cruczi

    That's simply untrue. Forward grip does help whenever you ADS, and the improvement is very noticeable on CQC weapons where the base recoil is high. There's even an argument for using a forward grip on SMG's, because ADS'ing with SMG's is a valid tactic given their 0.75 movement multiplier. But take any carbine and it will perform better at medium range than any SMG, so the case for the forward grip is even easier to make.

    VX6-7 can be used effectively to around 30-40 meters, and the range where hip firing no longer makes sense is only about 10 meters. Thus the situations where you can choose to ADS are arguably more frequent than the ultra close range situations, and the choice between the forward grip and the advanced laser becomes not a question of "which is better", but a question of: do you want a weapon that's superb in close quarters but lacking beyond the hip firing range, or do you want a more balanced weapon that performs well in close quarters but is also capable of consistently high damage output when aimed down sights. The first option (ALS) forces the player to avoid medium range engagements to get the most out of the weapon, while the second option (forward grip) allows the player to pick fights a bit more liberally which lowers the number of risky close range engagements.

    Might as well. But perhaps he doesn't want to sacrifice the high DPS which is so useful for those hugging range situations, and where medium range carbines might just not cut it?
  13. Iridar51

    Aaaand I'm not even gonna touch that.
    Forward grip won't help much. The only reason to use Forward Grip is to boost effective engagement range. But it won't be much of a boost for CQC weapon that's held off by a lot of other things besides high horizontal recoil.
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  14. SeanFree

    Not to be "that guy" but I actually run forward grip on the NS-7 PDW (it's a frigging laser, I just pretend it's a low damage carbine) and I have to agree. I could see a forward grip on a VX6-7 but a Serpent is much too limited by bad stats for midrange to warrant a forward grip when it has a 0.5 ADS multiplier.

    Zenith is competitive in CQC while ADS'ing because 0.75 ADS weapons feel beast for said situations and it still has fairly competitive DPS.

    I use a PDW like one would use a Zenith btw, close range strafing action.
  15. cruczi

    You're dismissing headshot accuracy for no reason.

    And regarding those...
    (3) Burst control brings the bloom per second of the CQC carbines on the same level with the Solstices, because they all have the same bloom per shot. With the higher ROF, you'll just have the potential to peak higher damage output, even though the damage output over time will be similar. Besides, bloom only becomes an issue on the latter half of your carbine clip anyway.
    (4) The difference is rather small, only 12 damage less at min. damage range. Since the min. damage range is 60 meters, the damage lost per shot is almost irrelevant at the ranges where you'll be ADS'ing with a CQC carbine.
    (5) Also irrelevant at the ranges where you'll be ADS'ing with a CQC carbine.

    I don't know about (2) either, but the forward grip addresses (1) which is the primary limitation of the CQC carbines in the couple of dozen meters immediately after hip fire range.
  16. patrykK1028

    So both laser and foregrip are useless to me?

    I will add something:
    - I am running foregrip on my H V45 and kts epic - I cqc and I have no bigger problems on mkd range (bjt I have them with Serpent)
    - I bought Serpent because of TTK, and LA is usually in CQC, I didnt expect troubles in mid range
    - Zenjth seems good tk me but... 1000 certs? and Wrel nust said its bad in his review

    Again - sorry for my keyboard
  17. Iridar51

    No, Forward Grip will be useful to you, definitely. It's just that Serpent is not that good at range, foregrip or no.
    H-V45 is an assault rifle. It naturally has higher minimum damage and projectile velocity.
    Zenith would ideally fit your playstyle, and it's certainly not a bad weapon.
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  18. Corezer

    I use grip on my lynx, it's sexual...
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  19. NDroid

    If you prefer ADS carbines then I would suggest sticking to the default Solstice with a grip. The Zenith has worse recoil and ADS characteristic while not providing enough advantages to compensate in my opinion.
  20. gigacoasterfan