Sept 15 patch is awful

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InexoraVC, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. InexoraVC

    Hi all!
    I'd like to share my impressions of the latest patch...
    1. this is Nanoweave armor (NAR) buff patch. Yes, not a nerf but a buff. Since Symbiote has become absolutely weird (can't image scenarios when Symbiote is usefull) there are no more options for -20% small arms reduction except a NAR. Fortify implant requires at least 0.1s standing still which is not possible in the most of the fights. So, NAR only.
    2. this is flash, concussion and emp grenades spam patch since you are no longer affected by your own grenades. Get a grenade bandolier, spam grenades and kill. No tactics required
    3. this is "stealed your ISO-4" patch since there are a significant changes in implants but noone cares of returning ISO spent
    4. this is "in favor of an infiltrator" patch since Infiltrator can easily play without a NAR (get a Nanoarmor cloak for example) + no emp grenades self damage also buffs Infiltrators.
    5. this is "devs dont know what to do with TiAlloys" patch. And of course they don't read suggestions posted on their official forum.

    These are the options devs implemented despite community crying about infiltrators and alternative suggestions.

    This indicates an extremely low level of developer competence. Bad job RPG. L2work.
  2. Ssymm

    Haters gonna hate.
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  3. InexoraVC

    First time I have a totally negative impressions of the patch
  4. Gammit

    I'd like to share my impressions on your impressions...

    Content of impressions is not fully rationale.

    Summary of impressions not in-line with the large contrast between limited feedback and patch contents.

    Delivery at end immature.
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  5. Stromboli

    Cant choose what missions you want to do. You get five missions, if you don't like what they are..Don't do them.
    This is pretty bad.
    Hopefully New World will be out in two weeks and I won't care about these changes.
  6. Tunashamed

    Don't forget, not only is the NAR nerf a slight buff to infiltrators, but it further convolutes the new player experience. NAR has always existed as a "Make the game harder for new players until they figure out they should always be running it" mechanic, now it'll take them even longer to pick it up. Its boggling why they don't just give everyone 20% small arms resistance by default and remove it from the game.

    I love the shield indicators and I don't mind the ocular shield buff, but the rest of the implant changes are so weird to me. There's obviously been effort put into it, but the way they went about it makes me wonder if they even play their own game. Maybe I'm just missing something.
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  7. Botji

    He isnt wrong though.
    I still wont use NW myself but the devs didnt like that "everyone" used NW so they made NW the only option of getting the damage reduction while you can still move... so its very much possible that even more people will go back to using NW when before they might have used Symbiote to unlock the suit slot.

    Flash/Conc spam will likely catch on sooner rather than later, I see no reason why people wouldnt (ab)use it while it lasts.

    The devs did change some implants but especially Symbiote was completely redone and made completely useless as well so I imagine quite a lot of people lost a lot of ISO-7 there.

    Infiltrators did get buffed by the NW change, slower targets are easier to hit... obviously.

    I guess the only point that isnt correct is the TI Alloys part because it mostly depends on your opinion of the base, some like it and some hate it. People that hate it, me included, will probably agree that the devs have no clue what to do with the base since they disabled it on purpose as it was a 'problem' but now they just activated it again without doing anything to it.

    Your turn now to point out what isnt correct here and why you felt you had to defend the changes.
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  8. Shadowpikachu

    I find that the nano nerf is actually pretty good for everyday play, not everyone runs it now and if you do you end up getting shot a few more times or cant get as close to put a few more shots into so it sorta self balances.

    It wasn't supposed to be a kill nerf, but something, anything to make it as good as other options, when fighting them if they have nanoweave i can shoot them infinitely better if they dont they die faster.

    Despite the technical butbutbuts on here and reddit it actually did pretty good so far.

    I also like how shotguns are actual guns that you can pump several shots down range and beat someone down instead of a close range only tactical tool.
  9. FreedomMan12

    I'm loving the new Player Experience Tutorial. The voice over for TR is perfect. The tutorial eases the new player into the game. What I love the most is how the AI move by themselves, like how players in-game would move.

    But a gripe I have is that the AIs become stationary when they are shooting. Wished they would move and shoot at the same time. They do crouch from time to time and use voice lines.
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