[Suggestion] Segregate the Players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Taemien, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Reclaimer77

    Who cares? That's not the point!

    NO specialized AV weapon should take that many hits to kill something. That's the games whole problem. Counters need crazy scaling before they even become effective.

    i drive a max repair sundie and lightnings barley do anything, btw sundies dont fly. u could put tank mines down run away when he has to reload he will try to get u hide behined somthing
  3. KirthGersen

    It's a better tracking mode dude. Just that. Slower and hardly avoidable rocket.

    First of all, ubad l2p. If your sundy is getting farmed, that means it's parked badly.
    Then, you can use region chat and ask frienlies for both repair and more lock-ons.
    Then, if you pulled a sundy to cap something and don't really care about this huge amount of score (LOL) you'll get by spawns go pull yourself a Hornet ESF and kill the Lightning.
    Honestly it will not help against good farmer but average will go away for some time.

    its anti air o_O it sucks against ground
  5. Problem Officer

    To be fair the description does say "tailor the strength of the weapon" strongly implying a change in damage, should be revised.
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  6. FateJH

    As far as I am aware, the Swarm does the same damage in either mode. The only thing that changes is the maneuverability in regards to the distance where the projectile will begin to "chase" after its target. Assuming that you were hitting him in the front, you were only doing 588 damage per reload and only dealt 1764 damage over-all (9 rockets). How many other allies were assisting you in shooting at the Lightning, or repairing your AMS?
    Build up enough of those opinions and you'll find yourself dying to an increasing number of things that you could have better handled with fewer self-restrictions.
    The game operates on the evaluation that there are a number of players and many more of them playing Infantry most of the time. Scaling has to be planned into the system at some level.
  7. Reclaimer77

    You have a MBT Avatar. So I already know your objective is reading my post, and then using whatever absurd logic you can to discount it.

    There is so much wrong with your post, I don't even know where to start. You are making blind assumptions of the situation and logistics involved when there is NOTHING in my post to give you such an impression.

    This is why we can't have nice talks here. ****ter is the perfect term for you guys. You **** on the game, then **** on the forums.
  8. Cyrax Servius

    Can't we give peace a chance?

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  9. Reclaimer77

    Hey troll, I already adapted to the situation by pulling the ANTI VEHICLE class, Heavy Assault. Which I only use when the situation dictates, but it's not my preferred style. Saying "OH you should have pulled a Max" is some ******** trolling. Because I guaranteed if I said "I pulled MAX" some idiot would have countered with something else. Probably "Oh you should have redeployed to the Warpgate and pulled an MBT".

    All to counter ONE ****ter in a Lightning??

    Yeah, "only" is right. That's the whole problem!
  10. KirthGersen

    Nice crying but again: you're trying to go head2head vs tank using a lock-on launcher and win. Very smart from the beginning lel.
    Launcher you use is poor against tanks BUT it's quite effective if used against sundies. They are pretty vulnerable to lock-ons and also every rocket has nice splash so it oftenly kills infantry around.
    Why don't you try to flank and C4? Lightning might have the radar ofc but it's not that often. Or... well, there's a lot of options.

    Nevermid. You'll suck-n-cry all the time before you'll get that YOU need to change (or leave) not the game.

    I've met sundies simply impossible to destroy with one anchored Prowler (it's a question of 5-7s typically) due to teamwork both on repair and MANA AV + launchers fire on me.

    P.S. I'm pretty sure that I've killed around 10K sundies with MBTs only:p

    P.P.S. I fell in love with Saron when I saw how it ruins these s**tbuses. Solo Mag and FPC-Saron-Saron-FPC combo feels like faster killer than Prowler with max anchor.
  11. FateJH

    No, I'm not criticizing you for not pulling a MAX. I'm being critical of you for letting it get into your head that there are categories of things no one should ever have to pull.
    If you think that you have to fire too many rockets to destroy that Lightning on your own, ask the Lightning how many shells it has to let fly to destroy your AMS on its own.
  12. IroncladBomber

    That is the point, you erroneously claimed to use a mode it doesn't have, you also pulled a low damage lock-on launcher instead of a stronger dumb-fire, or even your ES launcher.

    If your sundie is being farmed it is in a bad spot, move it, place mines in advance, or have friendly forces use its guns, pull HA or AV MAX. You can also have friendly vehicles kill the lightning.

    Instead of whining on the forums, use better tools for the job. Pull a Decimator and Hammer that light tank. Or Flank it and C4 it. Trust me it works.
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  13. KirthGersen

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  14. Demigan

    Now I don't agree with a lot of what Reclaimer says, but he does point out the fact that even though there are a lot of options none are really effective. Most options actually involve risking getting OHK'd or blasted to pieces by AOE during a series of pop-up fire tactics and reloads until your enemy vehicle... starts smoking and leaves or kills you.

    The options we have aren't effective. The strong options such as C4 and AT mines are short-ranged and mostly not really useful in immediate combat. As you say, it requires flanking or short-ranged C4 to be effective against vehicles. But even then you aren't super effective in an immediate sense.
    A fun game is one where players do not feel punished or cheated by something. This includes every situation where you think "but there was no real good way to deal with it". And just as a side-note because some people think it: Hiding inside a building and not acting is not a good way to deal with it. Infantry players fighting off vehicles constantly feel this way: They have to walk outside to reach key objectives, and a vehicle could easily kill them with a OHK to the chest. Snipers can be avoided by use of movement and possibly outshooting them since you can damage and kill them, tanks cannot be dealt with in the same way.
    Visa versa when tanks get blown up by C4 they feel it was OP because they feel there was nothing they could do. This isn't because the C4 was something they couldn't avoid, but because C4 strikes only work if the C4 fairy managed to stay unnoticed until detonation. An unnoticed enemy that has the potential to use a vehicles limitation to stay unnoticed is felt off as a bad mechanic, and as sad as I would be and as many tricks and features you already have to prevent the entire situation from happening, C4 fairy tactics need to be changed or nerfed so that tankers can enjoy the experience of overcoming or losing the challenge every player sets before you.
    This also means that infantry players need effective ways to deal with vehicles at any time. Spawning at a Sunderer and finding you are being pummeled by a vehicle isn't the problem, the problem is that there is no suitable weapon for you to use. C4 and AT mines are useless, the vehicle can easily outrun you and even if it couldn't outrun you it has more than enough firepower and opportunity to blow you to pieces. Rocketlaunchers and missile launchers from Engineer turrets and Heavies are ineffective as they don't have the DPS to reliably kill the tank in time before the tank can either make his escape while doing damage or plain kill the AV source.

    Now infantry is always in larger numbers, so that should always be taken into account. But every single class should be able to feel effective when in immediate combat with a vehicle. It shouldn't take ninja skills and a jetpack to be effective. Vehicles groups shouldn't be completely at the mercy of infantry zergs either even if those infantry use dedicated AV weapons and loadouts.
    So what kind of solution can you give? Well debuffs and non-lethal weapons mostly. Reducing turret rotation speed of hostile vehicles is already a massive boost to infantry capability to avoid tank fire, making infantry feel like they can actually do something to stay alive and get to their original goal (please note that the goal of these weapons wouldn't necessarily be combatting the vehicles, but surviving an attack to accomplish your goal of capturing/hacking/murdering!) Other options range from reducing vision and situational awareness (smoke, removing HUD elements, flashbangs/concussion effects) to reducing a vehicle's options to escape or survive (reducing speed, maneuverability, sapping ability energy or locking up abilities, increasing damage dealt to them) or reducing a vehicle's firepower (increasing reload times, adding/increasing COF's, reducing damage dealt, reducing projectile velocity etc).
    And I haven't even mentioned a damage-dealing weapon yet.
    The best scenario would be that a lone infantry can equip as part of it's loadout a non-lethal AV/AA weapon. small groups of infantry from different classes could work together and synergise to destroy vehicles. One could prevent escape by slowing the vehicle down, another increases damage dealt by sources of damage, another makes it tough for the vehicle to kill the infantry and the last one starts firing his rockets to the weakened and much easier target. Don't worry, vehicles have ample of chance to kill the infantry, and it would be prudent anyway to add some Co-axial guns and such to tanks and make the AI variant weapons more useful over the AP weapons so it won't mean that vehicles will be completely useless.

    Yes, teamwork. Vehicles are based on force multipliers. You buy power through in-game resources to make things easier. Grenades, medkits, MAX's, vehicles, lots of things work this way. The general rule of thumb is that the more you spend, the more power you buy. More power means you need less skill to achieve the same, and here is where things get tricky, you need to balance out bought power with teamwork. And not the Zerg mentality teamwork based on necessary competition where players are basically each others rivals trying to get the first kill but rather working together as a team to achieve a single goal together.
    You run up against a Sunderer with enough players working together to repair it and fire back at you with enough AV MANA turrets that you cannot just blow them up before it gets nasty. Now that's teamwork. I don't know how many players that took but consider this... You, a solo guy in a single tank, are feeling something negative ("It's impossible to destroy while normally it's a piece of cake!") towards a group of infantry that worked together as a team to defend it's Sunderer. Now think of the effort it took to pull that off, or rather the luck it took to have each solo zergling accidentally coordinate together enough to beat you...! It's astounding! You had to come across a Sunderer with enough people, where enough people pulled engineers in that 5 to 7 second window to outrepair your damage and enough people took the risk and pulled engineers with AV turrets to force you away (and possibly still not destroy you). That's a lot of ifs and maybe's just to stop one single anchored Prowler from blowing a Sunderer.

    How much (accidental) coordinated teamwork should it take to fight off a single solo vehicle? How many players would need to be the minimum to ward off a certain threat? What classes and units should be able to fight them off (hint: All of them should be able to fight off every single opposing unit, although the more expensive force multipliers should cost more effort and skill to counter).

    Congratulations I guess, now try it with the Magrider and Vanguard, I would love to see some salt flow...
  15. LodeTria

    The 2 modes don't effect damage, only how the rocket flies.

    Slow-mode is for ground vehicles and certain types of aircraft depending on how they are behaving. It is generally much better at scoring a hit on hovering ESF, libs & galaxys far from cover. It has the best tracking.

    Fast mode is for aircraft running away, as it has the velocity to chase them very far and will hit if they don't engage evasive maneuvers. It is ill-advised to use fast mode on ground vehicles, as it will typically over-shoot the target and slam into the ground.
  16. Reclaimer77

    That's been explained 20 times here by other people. So ummm thanks.

    Doesn't change anything with the story though.
  17. Reclaimer77

    He was using the AI farming Viper, of course, so however many shells it takes him is irrelevant. He wasn't using a specialized weapon, but I WAS.
  18. Reclaimer77

    They know that, they don't care. If they can nitpick my example apart, call me bad or whatever, then they can "win" the argument.
  19. FateJH

    What. C75 Viper is of no threat to the well-being of your Sunderer. It's more dangerous to the people around the AMS or the integrity of the AMS shield than it is to the vehicle itself. After reductions, a whole salvo of six shells only does 455 modified damage. It takes at best 4s to reload. That's nine reloads without the deployment shield and probably two more with it, nearly a minute of uninterrupted Viper shelling necessary to destroy. You could have easily out-repaired it. Putting aside whatever tactical situation you said you were in, you could have easily pulled up shop and driven away from it.

    You both had fielded rather inefficient weapons for the encounter.
    Yes, you were using a weapon specialized for reliably landing shots against a target, not for doing greater damage against targets. We understand already that you misread the descriptive fluff that came with the weapon and how it gave the wrong impression.

    As has been pointed out, a lot of his flak appears to be coming focusing on the resolve and frustration that he must be able to do it on his own at all times.
    You can deal with tank shells the same way. Only HE has the radius to miss an Infantry target by more than an arm's length and still kill it. Splash is barely worth a lick on most other things unless the weapon also has a high refire. As to "damage and kill them," I'd like to point out that you probably mean Infantry versus Infantry which means units operating relatively on each other's scale. Even Vehicles versus Vehicles is something fighting the same kind of thing. This is a different sort of matter - unlike things contending with each other.
  20. Reclaimer77

    So you should need teamwork to battle a freaking single manned Lightning? That's not balance!

    Screw you. Really.

    I never said he was attacking my Sunderer. Rather the people SPAWNING from my Sunderer. Sunderer camping is just a scumbag tactic and I don't think it's some crazy idea to suggest AV be able to counter it.