Hello! I'm Takkie; I'm currently a senior in college looking for an outfit for myself and my boyfriend to join. We're both TR on Waterson. We're trying to find a group that doesn't have any prerequisites to being obliged to attend any certain ops. We both have things to do outside of the game, but are relatively active. We play, in the minimum, once a week but those days tend to vary. We're trying to find a group that has good communication skills and are relatively organized. Quality over quantity also matters to us. Feel free to post on this thread or a PM; my boyfriend will probably be checking the messages while I'm away at work today.
Imperial Reach is always looking for more teamwork oriented players, come check us out at Imperialreach.com.
=C22= sounds like a good fit for the two of you http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/c22-is-recruiting.81916/ http://c22.site.nfoservers.com/
Toxingamers.com is building slowly, quality over quantity. But we are Vanu. Just saying if u decide to come pewpew, look me up. Ikasawak@toxingamers.com
Need an outfit that thinks and works together? Check out Crimson Guards United Gaming : http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/...on-guards-united-gaming-are-recruiting.61191/
Please check out Imperial Reach. www.imperialreach.com there is a link to our teamspeak there feel free to get on there with us and check us out.