Seeing more and more hacking each day.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vempire, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Vempire

    As the title says, i have been playing this game strong since Alpha and i can't believe how much hacking goes on, report doesn't seem to do anything, if they do ban one, 3 more take his place. It seems like my guild has had enough as well, soon as we come across a hacker we just log, why feed the troll?

    We love this game, we really do, but one hacker ruins it for everyone. Last 3 hours i played tonight, i had 2 hackers at a different location. Just one wiping out a squad of 6 each time, while we focus on one small part of the map the real players just go around and cap everything else while we focus on one hacker.

    My days are numbered and i am sure I'm not the only one.
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  2. fastdak255

    Seeing more and more of these threads everyday.
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  3. Mark467

    Interesting. I have not come across one yet.
  4. JackD

  5. AUSGrizzly

    Seems to be a pattern there somewhere, huh...
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  6. sniper460

    how do i report on hacker?
  7. GaussianGamer

    I agree. For the last few weeks I've been just taking a deep breath and trying to forget about the new hackers every day, but that only takes you so far. Im also to the point now I just log off when its gets to me. I really hope it gets better before it gets worse, because this is one of the best games I've played in ages. I really enjoy playing the game, for the game.

    This one is understandable, because you can slightly see invisible infiltrators with infrared.(not sure about thermal imaging)
  8. Zitroxious

    on miller the most active server in the game, ive so far only seen a handfull.. and usually they were gone after 5 minutes..
  9. DrNoesis

    Last night, I accused someone, briefly, of hacking in platoon chat, something I very rarely (like once a year rare) do unless its a blatent fly hack or something. *hangs head in shame*

    I spawned, twice, planted myself in a position I felt absolutely certain I couldn't be hit from. Got headshotted by a TR I couldnt even see on screen, apparently through a rock... To test it, I went back, stared at the rock, and sure enough, got head shotted, hit indicator clearly pointing through the rock.

    Called him out in platoon chat, went looking for him.... took me less than a minute to realise they had managed to sit themselves on top of a tree a little way off, and were more than able to see over the top of the rock I thought was giving me all that "cover".

    Needless to say, I felt like an idiot (deservedly) and if I'd been able to remember the guys name when things were a little less frantic, I'd probably have dropped him a quick pm to congratulate him on some excellent sniping, and to apologise for briefly condemning him because I made the newb mistake of confusing "skill" with "amg aimbot hax!!"

    TL;DR I'm a pretty calm, even minded player, I give people the benefit of the doubt 9.999 times out of 10 and assume skill/luck over hacking unless I'm watching them soar through the clouds like superman with an assault rifle, and even I screw up and call people out as hackers when they're really just "good" or sometimes "lucky as hell and just as suprised as I am"

    Yes there are hack kits you can buy for whatever lame reason you come up with for yourself to validate reducing a fun game to nothing more than holding "left click" and I'm sure people use them, but tbh I still feel quite strongly that there's far fewer hackers out there than there are just bad losers who can't accept that some random landed a lucky shot and ended their streak...
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  10. vrcarnage

    I have not seen one in a while... I have been accused of hacking before. Mainly when I get on good kill streaks or walk in the room and get 3 lucky head shot kills in a row (very uncommon). I have even been accused of hacking in a lighting :confused:.

    How do you hack in a lightning lol. Any way it seems to me that sometimes people just get upset about getting beat multiple times by the opponent.

    Are you sure these people are hackers?
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  11. Slyguy65


  12. Turiel =RL=

    The problem with Hackers can hardly be solved in a F2P-game. If they get banned, they make a new account. The only solution I could imagine besides better encryption would be to prevent new characters from being competitive for about 30 minutes or so. I think in America's Army they do the basic training stuff. So you couldn't join a game before your character had completed certain PvE tasks.

    If they add something like that to PS2, then banning cheaters would at least force them to spend a ton of time before they can come back. Then you ban them again and so on.

    Also I suggest some sort of stat-filtering. If someone manages to get tons of kills in a very short amount of time, the weapons used and his hit-accuracy should be logged for further review. This also helps to spot overpowered weapon-systems, so cheating and exploiting could be adressed at the same time.
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  13. HeadshotVictim

    sometimes they are obvious, sometimes not.
    There is NO way developers can get rid of them completely.
    Try to avoid them, report them, hope for the best.
    I just whisper them, telling them that I am watching them
    If they hack too obviously I use yell chat to tell his name and the accusation, and hope for more people to report him... I think if 20 people report the same guy in 2 mins he should get kicked
  14. JibbaJabba

    See my post above with video. I got shot through cover while *indoors*. It happens. Definitely.

    Sony has no way of doing real account bans since folks can just roll a new free character.

    Heck I would be happy if they just dedicated one resource to hopping between the warpgates on the servers and knocking off the griefing shenanigans that happen there.
  15. Slyguy65

    No but they could actually you know, get GM's or moderators FFS than can actually monitor the game 24/7 not just once a week.

    Also dude...this is sony...remember they got their PSN hacked because they were cheap d7cks about security...i see no difference when it comes to planetside...

    FFS I see less hackers in DayZ than in planeside 2.

    And that is saying something.
  16. Azren

    Wow man you have a lot of built up frustration towards the VS! You even use a thread like this to cry about them. Just wow!
  17. BRG7780

    They issue IP bans. They also care. We had a hacker that was destroying a Friday night battle for all three factions, and within an hour the support team had tracked him down and issued as extensive a ban as they could. Unfortunately, it's not tough to get around an IP or MAC ban. It's also not tough to simply create a new account.

    It's simply par for the course with a F2P game.

    As far the apathy accusations, I'm PRETTY ******* SURE that SOE cares deeply about the game. SOE's President (Smedley) plays the game avidly, FFS! lol
  18. DrNoesis

    Oh I don't doubt that it happens, I've had to deal with it from both sides of the fence both as a player watching the blatent "snap to target" action of aimbotters, and as a dev on other games getting emailed demands from script kiddies who wanted to sell us the secret to "x" hack or "y" memory edit... Hell, I only ended up working as a dev myself back in the day because I worked with the devs on one game to find and close down exploits and vulnerabilities on their servers in the first place.

    Having a personal preference for sniping, I'm used to getting abuse about hacking from the people I take down with headshots from time to time, although I've even heard it shouted at people who blatently walk up in front of someone else and empty a clip into their head before the other player thinks to move, aim or shoot. Some of the more immature gamers are prone to raging and yelling "hacker" at anyone that dares land a shot on them, as I'm sure you've probably seen for yourself.

    After a while you get used to it, and in my case at least, in knowing I'm a completely legit player and still getting the accusations, I guess I just assume that it's the same deal for a lot of other players who are getting accused too. As a result, unless it's something blatent and right in your face, I'm usually inclined to assume its just someone being better than me.

    Unfortunately, as you say, there's no easy way to deal with the issue. The harder Sony come down on hackers, the more likely they are to inadvertently ban accounts belonging to perfectly legitimate players. For some players, this can lead to some pretty heafty paranoia about being banned by mistake, and I know several people, myself included, that actively record as much of their game time as they can, not just for bragging or learning from mistakes, but also just so they can potentially provide video evidence to help support the fact they're innocent of anything they're being investigated about.

    It's a thorny issue, and one I had to deal with for approx 3 years before I stopped working in the industry; every potential solution has a loophole, or some detrimental effect to deal with, the wider the net you use, the more innocent players you get, etc etc... and then you factor in the ever escalating arms race between the hackers and the devs on top of that... Well speaking from experience, its enough to make you go grey early lol

    All that said though, some kind of action would be better than none, and I'd like to see Sony appearing to ban hackers, even if they are back again within 20 mins. I'd just be a lot happier knowing it's bans handed on the kind of blatently obvious evidence thats provided in stuff like the video you posted, and not just because "x" player gets a lot of headshots and a few people reported them because they hadn't noticed them sat in a tree....
  19. SikVvVidiT

    I hope some hacker someday camps the hell outta him. Then maybe he can see what it's like having to play agianst these guys DAY IN DAY OUT..
  20. UrMom306

    the problem with hackers in games like this is they do it to intentionally make people rage. They could care less about their certs, buying guns, unlocking new weapons, etc. so when they get banned instead of "crap i got banned and lost all my stuff" its "ha they finally caught me, time to respawn a new character and try again". I really wish ps2 wasn't a f2p game. I would have gladly paid money for it like a normal game, at least with that it sort of keeps the hackers to a minimum.