Section 8 Clan is a strong, long time Call of Duty 4 clan looking to expand onto bigger, greater games. Within the Section 8 Outfit, we will often times just be online together and fight together. However, once we get larger and larger, we will begin to do some Organized game play. As I said, right now we're just a few friends that play together and have a jolly ole time and joke around but once we start doing Organized game play we will wreck havoc on Vanu and NC and go behind enemy lines and stir things up for the Enemy; in the skies and on the ground. We'll obviously have intense times too, and go to the front lines of The Crown and Crossroads. We'll yell out loud and curse the enemy, carry on and ravage them. Teamspeak 3 is the choice of communication and a Microphone is strongly encouraged but not required. What we're looking for: -Mature players -Out going players -Smart players To join, either contact me (iSh00t) or Booriis in-game for an invite. If we're not online, please go to, make an account, then click on Clan Registration to fill out an application.
So you're humorless spergoids who have just come from CoD? oooh boy tell me more about your illustrious outfit