Scout Rifle Directive

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Xebov, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Xebov

    Im not sure what you thought you do here, but mixing weapons for different classes up like this is not a good idea. You mixing up weapons that are Infiltrator only with weapons that are Engineer/HA/Medic only for a reward that is Engineer/HA/Medic only. This makes not much sense overall. If you want to do this i suggest you to merge BRs and Scout Rifles into one weapon group opening them all up to Infiltrator/HA/Engineer/Medic. This way the Directive would make way more sense.
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  2. cruczi

    Why not just have one directive for scouts, another for battle rifles. There are no classes that can use both so it doesn't make any sense to unite their directives.
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  3. WyrdHarper

    That's what they had originally. But they want to add the knife and ribbons, so it would be tricky to differentiate them between classes. But, yeah--seems a weird combination. SR's should have their own line.
  4. WyrdHarper

    Looked at it again on live, and wanted to give an updated comment. I thought the BR was going to be part of the Force Recon line, but it looks like they've changed that. It really makes no sense where it is right now, especially given the reward. Get 5 infiltrator weapons auraxed and you get an engineer/heavy/medic weapon? What? If you don't like infiltrator, but like playing the support classes, you have to go through a ton of infiltrator gameplay to earn the special battlerifle?

    It would be cool if engineers could use scout rifles, but I think the BR's would actually make a lot of sense in the Force Recon directive. That directive seems like it's based around being a support-oriented player who plays somewhat aggressively, and the BR suits that role pretty well.
  5. Phyr

    An aggressive recon should get a 4x BASR. just sayin.
  6. Xebov

    I realy would likie to see BR and Scout Rifles joint up in one weapon group, there seems to be little harm in allowing BR for Infiltrator and Scout Rifles for HA/Engineer/Medic.
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  7. Xebov

    Nothing has changed so far and tehre was no response to that matter, so i guess players who like semi auto weapons are screwed once again.
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  8. rakista

    Holy crap I have to play an infiltrator :(