Scout radar and you, a stalker cloak story

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Tycon, May 30, 2014.

  1. Tycon

    I'm sure this has been brought up many times before, but scout radar is a bit hit and miss. The problem with scout radar isn't the ability itself but really the scan range and vehicles its available to, the flash and the ESF. Sitting still in deep cloak doesn't feel as safe anymore with the way its implemented now. In case your unaware of the difference between regular radar pings such as a motion detector, recon dart or proximity radar which only detect mobile enemies that aren't crouched, scout radar indiscriminately reveals your location even if your sitting still crouched. Like proximity radar you will have no knowledge if the enemy is detecting you or not either, infiltrator detection uses mini map indicators while scout radar and proximity radar do not.

    The flash, I find scout radar completely fair and probably the only thing that makes the suicide cycle useable or balanced. The flash is loud, relatively slow, barely armed with any threatening weapondry, very fragile to all weapons and cumbersome to handle. They are easily avoidable and seen on radar easily from a distance, every time I've been detected by a flash with scout radar I felt it was my own fault. It also makes vehicle pad hacking a bit riskier.

    However the the ESF is really frustrating to deal with. ESFs are very fast, incredibly agile, lethally armed against most foes despite being the draw back of being relatively fragile (but much tankier than the glass quad that is the flash). Yes while many tend to run flares, plenty that hunt men and fly over open landscapes for peasant infantry farm run scout radar and to purge the hiding men like a hawk. ESFs are numerous and so fast by the time they appear on radar it's too late and your spotted. You can't run from them either. When an ESF happens to fly over your location to either refuel at the enemy base or just heading from point A to point B your pinged on radar and pretty much found immediately. As a stalker cloak infiltrator this is beyond frustrating. Additionally the ESF scout radar has DOUBLE the range of the poor flash with 200m of detection vs the flash's 100m at max rank.

    While the flash scout radar is a viable and balanced counter, the ESF just does everything better than the flash and makes this unique roll too good. I'm sure many other stalker cloak infiltrators have stories hiding in a dark corner crouched when a plane flies over and your suddenly killed without dark light. What do you guys think?

    I think proximity radar should be given to the ESF instead while scout radar should be for the flash and perhaps given to the harasser also as its a scout buggy and rather lack luster at the moment. I'd rather have galaxys have scout radar instead since they are big, slow, very underused atm and as a flying fortress make more sense for having radar devices on them.
  2. CuteBeaver

    Beaver is confused. Wasn't Scout Radar changed with the Implant patch to not detect cloaked stationary enemies?
    Source: Changes (and bugs) to all radar + Sensor Shield Implant
  3. Spoprockel

    This was the section in the 05/20 updates, they made it look as if they just changed a tooltip error,
    but it was working the way Tycon described it in his OP up until that patch.

    Now it's just another sensor dart on wheels with more range.

    Unless there was an undocumented change to revert it?
  4. CuteBeaver

    I'm scared...:eek: Rhoxer liked to hunt me down with his Reaver on Waterson. Not an isolated incident :D.

    What do you guys think?

    I have to say ESF Scout Radar was completely one sided. One time I got into an explosive xbow fight and even then. lol no chance. Eventually I settled on working towards a montage of pure tears and sadness for all the times ESF's hunted me down. Kinda therapeutic but didn't solve the issue. I'm pretty sure dedicated snipers had it worse... far far worse.
  5. Vinny

    I agree it was once sided to and extent . It really couldn't be used effectively in a battle ( esf then lacks fire suppression and flares ) so they couldn't do it for long . However after the battle was over it was a great way to get rid of those pesky snipers on all the hilltops . Now there is no counter-play for that
  6. CuteBeaver

    o_O lets not go there... cloak sound travels pretty far, there are hit indicators... tracers... awareness implants... snipers unlike stalker cloakers cannot stay hidden forever. Our own radar gives us away at every opportunity. >.> If someone really wants to find a sniper they can do so. A sniper is not going to remain in an unproductive location for long. They will leave eventually looking for more kills elsewhere.

    I have to say as a stalker, at least with flash radar I could pose a threat to the driver. No chance with ESF. This didn't just affect snipers. I'v encountered ESF pilots that hovered around Mao Southwest Gate. Blocking all attempts by infiltrators to skirt around to the back or climb into the towers. In that particular battle it was impossible to sneak into that base.

    Mao Southwest Gate: [IMG]