Scheduled Maintenance August 8th

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. F8Crusader

    Because having an entire squad dedicated to anti-air is gonna work real well when A: there's an entire squadron of ESFs and it takes way too long for a missile to lock-on. and B: you're busy trying to actually take the objective. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't give ESFs anti-ground cannons and just left them with the rockets, but since they're here, there needs to be something to counter them. Buuuuut, that's just my opinion.
  2. k3lt

    Updates at 4PM in Europe? Dafuq.

  4. MaxDamage

    That you can instantly respawn. The nanite cost isn't even an issue with current replenishment rates.
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  5. snipesharkVS

    with no timer to force them on the ground we shall never be free from the spamming ESFs and libbys thank you sony
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  6. Devoneir

    Downside of nanite's insta-construct...Plus armor zergs will never end.
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  7. Icare

    I just started playing MAX yesterday, it is really good class, my favorite class from now, I get positive K/D and annihilate every mosquito around me, that's epic :p

    But I know how it is hard to stay alive with a ESF, an ESF is very weak, if you got more than one enemy chasing you, or engaging you, it is quite impossible to resist unless you flee away and come back later. I don't think that ESFs are overpowered, it is war and there is always advantages and disadvantage. MAXes are effective against all type or enemies: vehicule, aircraft, and infantry. ESF are designed for quick action, hit & flee, and are very hard to handle/control.
  8. snipesharkVS

    Icare^^ you have obviously never been pinned down by a skilled ESF fleet they seem to be able to counter act every move you make and your right unless your one of the top flyers or flying with them your chances of survival in an ESF yourself are minimal
  9. AzraeI

    In my opinion, the latest update ruined the game.
    I know, this starts like one of the "QQ the game is so crappy, i wanna have the version from 1/2 a year ago" but I just have a problem with the latest update.

    1) Why the ressource change? Imho it was completely unnecessary, it made you think about what vehicles, infantry items etc you buy.
    I feel underchallenged right now, you had to look after your inventory.
    Now, with the auto resupply of items and the ressource flow every minute, you don't come under 750 Nanites except you spam a nade and die every 10 seconds or buy vehicles.
    2) The Update took the strategy out of territory control. Earlier on, you had to liberate encircled territories, otherwise you couldn't get the ressources or, think it otherway round, you could pocket the enemy warpgate to limit the enemy ressources to a bare minimum, that could really weaken the whole enemy empire.

    Whats now?

    It is completely untied, you just don't care, if you hold any territory, besides the facility capture xp and the preventure of continet locking or alerts theres no reason to cap territories or free encircled ones, you literally don't give a ****.

    3) The removed cooldowns from vehicle spawning.
    At first, it felt nice, I as a mediocore pilot with a barely upgraded reaver could just spawn a new one the next time I spawn, after a high end pilot shot me down.
    But today I realized, when I experienced the big zerg battle on Cobalt against the VS, that this is a total ********.
    The old system forced the front lines to move one way or the another, just because there didn't come sunderers, esf tanks and so on that fast like now.
    Now, at some point, the battle just gets stuck at one point like in World War I!

    4) The Lockon bug, that gets disrupted every second with aircraft, today it seemed to be fixed but I don't know 100% about that.

    5) The New Alert System, now it's just too boring, Alerts brought action to one continent and made the whole game dynamic, since continents got locked on a regular basis and others got unlocked on a regular basis. But now, they just trigger by capping 75% and the, the two weaker faction players put all their players on that continent and we get a stalemate, because of the new ressourcessystem, they weaker factions just spam tanks, esfs, sunderers etc etc out of their warpgate like puke out of a drunken guy.
    Continents get only locked during the night or early morning, when only kids and unemployed guys are online and one of the faction has the luck to have most of them but not during the maintime, thats lame! We wan't to see continental locking during the mainplaytime too, not only on 6 AM!

    I suggest the following:

    1) Tie Nanite-Income again to the territories, I appreciate the thought, that you wanted to help empires, that are downed to their warpgate and can't push out of their warpgate because of lacking ressources, but right now, this system is more worse than the old one.
    2) Integrate a one time Nanite-Refilling for Alerts for example:
    NC caps 75% of the territories on Indar => Alert triggers => Every VS and TR Player on the server, who is online during the Alerttriggering, gets 5000 Nanites, that don't replenish except you get beyond 750 Nanites.
    It opens up the possibility to spawn one vehicle zerg to push out of the warpgate and push the enemy back, but this possibility is limited and not unlimited like right now.

    3) Slow down Naniteincome to the old time frame or reintroduce vehicle acquisition cooldowns but something has to be done to prevent vehicle spamming.

    4) Fix the Lockon bug and don't bring it into the game again, if you've alrdy fixed that, it's good.

    5) Reintroduce the old alert system and combine it with the new alert system, the two won't bite each other but they can bring back the old dynamic gameplay.

    You said, nothing, you introduce is irreversible, now proof it!
  10. Icare

    I have, but as a soldier, but with a MAX, ESF flee away very fast, I annihilate TR fleet, yesterday I destroyed 27 aircrafts (mainly mosquitos but also galaxies and liberators) in the same area, we were safe from an air attack and conquered territory very fast, allso a valley full of soldiers haha was fun, they pinned down like *******, monster kill awesome :p

    MAX are very powerful, you just have to get an engineer and a medic with you and you can stand against anything if you know when you have to fall back.

    With big AA guns, explosive ammunitions, enemies get frightened, it is very deterrent.

    I'd say that VS are the most annoying, they have smaller hitboxes and are skilled pilots
  11. TheGunSlanger

    I assume... if I had to take a guess, Cobalt won, and Miller won?
  12. Pootisman

    Server merges are today? Whaaat.
    Shouldnt SOE fix the major bugs from last update first? For example the not working lock-on rockets? The game was also very laggy after the last update. Im afraid, with twice as many players, this weekend will be a mega lagfest with no devs in the office to fix emerging problems.
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  13. Neckaru

    Do we still activate warp drive in a random direction upon exiting Sunderers?
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  14. youngamer58

    how do u fix socket error I bin trying to play planetside 2 for so long and it keeps showing socket error plz help
  15. WMDeath

    Striker still useless
  16. Pootisman

    Yea, it seems you are ejected with a random amount of force. Most of the time its low, but sometimes you fly several meters. One time i got ejected with so much force, i flew about 100m and then died from impact .... :mad:
  17. Neckaru

    Tactical catapult.