Scheduled Maintenance April 2nd

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. SerialNumber1221

    here is 1 hour and 40 minutes of gameplay with 64 bit...nothing special about the gameplay, some nice battles..just wanted to demonstrate that the 64 bit client ain't that bad..the only issues were the hitch frames which have been there from previous times...

    Playing on Connery - from Australia - ping greater than 250ms
    Hardware: 6 Core XEON 3.5Ghz
    Graphics: Nvidia 660TX
    RAM: 24GB
    HDD: PlanetSide2 running in a 16GB IMDISK RAMDISK
    Input: Razer Nostromo, Logitech G700,Standard Keyboard
    Connection Type: Fibre To The Premise

  2. Nobalification

    my ears :D
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  3. JackAvalon

    I'm have an issue where it won't change over to the 64-bit version. I have a 64-bit computer(Win7 Ultimate 64-bit, Intel i7 3770k, and 2x EVGA GTX 680 Classifieds) that has Program Files x86 folders for some reason? My windows installed like this so is this the issue? Is it auto-detecting this file path name thus not enabling 64-bit PS2? All I see in task manager is Planetside2*32. Help!
  4. varangian

    Same here. Various 64bit dlls have appeared and the Planetside executable (although not the Launchpad exe) has been updated but when I start it (from a shortcut to Launchpad, don't see much point in having Steam running for a game that doesn't actually require it) it's just the old 32 bit version being run. Is there a config change that's not been made or has the 64 bit version been parked temporarily because it falls over even more often than the 32?
  5. Cirevam

    SOE pulled the 64-bit client because it was causing some people to crash. You would have known this if you checked Twitter or Reddit :p They'll put it back when it's more stable.
  6. Imago

    Except it's doing nothing. If you go under task manager, the client is still coming up as 32 bit. If this is a bug, fix it. If it is NOT, prepare to lose all you credibility, SOE.

    Never mind. Just saw the posts above.
  7. StiltonNinja

    • VO will now be played when a point is captured or lost at the mission’s facility.
    Please, please please, for the love of all that's holy, turn this off!!!!!!!!!!!! On an annoyance scale of 1 to 10, this is 11. It's completely pointless and unnecessary.
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  8. raw

    Will I automatically download the 64Bit client thru the patcher or do I have to press a button somewhere?

    Am I the only one who's been experiencing disgusting lag? My FPS is hovering at 60, to be clear. Getting pretty tired of enemies disappearing in CQC fights, only to re-appear with an insta-kill. It's really, really, really getting old...
  10. cruczi

    It's automatic, just like it says in the patch notes.
  11. Sgabinato

    I've seen a few episodes of teleportation of enemies and one experienced first. While I was fighting I was teleported to a point where I was 5 minutes before ... 1 or 2 km away !!!! :confused:

    another strange thing but before this patch, is that if I play on the European servers with 60-90 ping me is very difficult to kill and am killed in half a second, if I play on U.S. servers with 200-250 ping I play a game more balanced and enemies have to work a bit to kill me
    should not be the opposite?
  12. TommyXXX

    I have win7 64bit system, why do I still see "x86" when I enter window mode???? also in task manager it appears to be Planetside2.exe *32, and in game directory there is only the Planetside2.exe.

    Also after playing for a few minutes the client crashed my video driver (up to date). I get no input on monitor.

    Is there any thing wrong??
  13. raw

    Yeah I just wanted to make sure I understood that right. Cheers!
  14. Tito

    im stoped play SOE send mee a mesage when youu put back 64 client
  15. varangian

    Yeah right, checking twitter and reddit, neither of which I actually bother with, would obviously be the first place I should be looking for info. Expecting SOE to update the OP, which said they'd implemented a 64 bit client, with the information that actually they'd rapidly de-implemented it would be totally illogical.
  16. Jeltz

    Never had a crash at all on my 64 bit machine until this patch came out. Now PS2 regularly crashes LOL (NOT)
  17. Deathknight22

    I got stuck on a loading screen in 100% in spawning and teleporting to other facilities also the game crashes a lot
  18. Deathknight22

  19. Scatterblak

    re: "So - how to install this x64 client? The downloader recognizes my CPU and updates to an appropriate client? Or what? "

    No. At least, on my system. After the update, it still runs in 32 bit mode, and there is no new 64 bit client anywhere. For whatever reason my installation went from 50-60fps a month ago to 20-25 over the last few updates - that's why I bagged my subscription, and I'm waiting around to see if they figure out the 64 it puzzle. I'm not hopeful - these are modders, not devs we're talking about here (PS2 is freerealms mod).
  20. muoni

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