Scheduled Maintenance April 16th, 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Apr 15, 2014.

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  1. NCwolf84

    once RadarX took over they stopped stating how long maintenance will take. which is for the best,.
  2. 11sparky11

    Man up, stop whining.
  3. Stevenmadcap

    The Best for who ? lol
  4. Brasil

    • Prowler Anchored Mode
      • Projectile speed is now normalized at +30% across all ranks.

    What is the speed of the projectile prowler before the patch?
  5. reinard

    how long is the update going to take??
  6. cobrakhan5

    I want to post on here without it sounding like a rant or bashing SOE. This is just the facts .... just the facts. I know how the SOE system works as I have been a customer off and on for the past decade + . I also happen to have my Masters in marketing degree which gives me some inside knowledge on how to market products to make money. I guess an itemized list is the best way I can vent my frustrations in a 5 step plan/story ...... rolled into one. This is to be informative to others as well as keep SOE honest!!!!!

    1) I spent hundreds of dollars on (MTGT) Magic the Gathering Tactics through Steam to buy cards on a free to play server. ........
    2) Later they decided to let the game go to (hell) for lack of a better word and then canceled the game completely After months of neglect on their part.
    3) I already started playing this game before the MTGT incident and is the only reason i am still playing this.
    4) I just want people to be aware of the facts of the possible flaws int he business model.
    5) If they close this game after i have invested money again...... i will boycott them.
  7. RyanEBruce420

    Since this update/patch when i click to start the launcher it tries to load up and then a error pops up and says

    PlanetSide2_x64.exe- Application Error
    X The application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b). Click OK to close the application.

    Anyone else having this same problem? Also, anyone know how to fix this problem or do i needs to re-install?

    • Up x 1
  8. masterryang33

    I feel your pain, I really do; however, That entire post was pointless. So I will list what is wrong with this in a 5 step plan/story.
    1) In no way shape or form does you having a Masters in Marketing lend any credence to what you stated. At all. Honestly it makes you sound like an arrogant ***. I have my Masters in Psychology; however, that has nothing to do with the point being made so why bring it up.
    2) your entire post makes you sound like a whiny brat.
    3) If you have a Masters in Marketing then you should know the risks of investing in unfinished products. Shouldn't you?
    4) Jumping from my third point, I don't think it takes a Masters in anything to know the risks of investment/ unfinished product purchases I.E Backing games/Products before there even tested.
    5) Your an arrogant, stuck up, over privileged, whiny brat with little more sense than single cell organisms.
    P.S I don't like people who come off *** complete *** holes, which you did.

    On to what I really wanted to say.
    Hurry up with the servers I need to vent my frustrations on some tr and vs scum. The don't even deserve to be capitalized. j/k
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  9. NCwolf84

    that Direct X has fixed it for many of us.
  10. LaRZy

    :) Very keen to see the game go 64 bit, but it sounds from the patch notes that it's still not stable. If that's the case why release it?
    I guess we shall all see how stable it is soon.

    Vulcan certainly needed a buff, I hope its enough to make it more viable, because I rarely see them on the battlefield these days.

    Most of the nerfs though I feel just wern't needed, including the Viper / Saron / Python but they make the patch notes look bigger!

    64bit Client = Goodluck this time!
  11. NB88

    Yay large patch with mana av turret nerf! :D

    *starts reading patch notes*

    Dafuq :confused:

    Pretty much sums it up......:(

    Can't see why TR needed THAT much, and whats with nerfing the NC...
    Whackhammer was not OP or anything, it wasn't even realy on par with the Thanatos and Haymaker (wich makes it worse considering its the NC heavy "special" toy).
    Vanguard Shield OP? No way, i can't help it that 90% of the VS and TR run HE/Heat on the tanks and try to take on a AP Vanguard.
    And this isnt even all of it. What the heck are you guys thinking, why are you soaking up the TR and VS tears THAT much?

    Do like the Mana AV turret nerf though, about time.

    But i'm gonna stop typing about this now.

    For those that want to comment on my post, please keep it civil and intelligent.
  12. Sean79

    okay. spring break. play PlanetSide all day cause its my favorite game. YAY! I just spent 15 bucks on SC.... bought the Anchor.... tried it out this morning and like it but didn't get to play long because of the matenence.... I read the patch notes and it all sounds amazing EXCEPT ONE THING. 64 bit server. I don't know what it is but now im getting an error message that wasent there this morning. and just like last time you implemented this stupid thing im probly locked out of the game for at least a day. THANKS! I begin to question why I even invest my money into this game because from reading some of the stuff above me: im not alone. why do you keep "fixing" things that aren't broke? the game was running FANTASTIC before the update. and I don't care if I get a bajillion fps with this new client because I cant even logg on! do you know how excited I was all week for the new carbines?! now im gonna have to wait. yet again.

    -sincerely, a disappointed fan (although I haven't given up on you)
  13. LaRZy

    Sean79 your getting error messages because the servers are down, wait until they are back up before trying to play!
  14. DorianOmega

    another "lets reshuffle the entire balance of the game" patch, the hell Sony, this is how you literally killed your games in the past, why are these updates treating the game like its still in beta when we have a test server meant to be treated as such...

    Also camos are broken, except for digital, it actually looks the way its supposed to now.
    • Up x 1
  15. LaRZy

    They are up now, but be patient and you may need to re-start your client a few times!
  16. Shadowblight

    Maybe if I were a man. That said, it's a valid question, and your response does not address its base issue. Reducing something's base functionality by 25% is a lot, especially when hundreds of certs are invested.
    • Up x 1
  17. Deschain

    In one word yes.. you got rekt..
  18. Larington

    Ok I feel a need to throw a cat amongst the pidgeons who aren't happy about the change to the AV MANA.

    Dumbfire weapons? Effectiveness at range limited by having to account for movement and rocket arc, difficult to use at long ranges.
    Heavy assault lock on launchers, including striker? Limited to around 450 meters, varies depending on the launcher weapon (I think).
    The Lancer? 150 damage up to 400 meters, drops to 110 damage at 500 meters.
    (The Pheonix is a special case and is limited to 300 meters due to engine constraints (preventing loading screen on missile impact) rather than purely designed that way)

    Limiting the range to 450 meters on the AV MANA brings it into line with other trooper AV options. If you want to hit enemy armour at longer ranges, get your own armour, beyond 400 meters are the kinds of distances where you can potentially organise one or two tanker buddies to hit the enemy from behind in a wide flanking movement and frankly I'd much prefer people try to be active and pursue kills, pushing forward rather than trying to just sit back and snipe vehicles well beyond the effective range of all other AV options.

    For reference, this is 450 meters from Scarred Mesa Skydock & Quartz Ridge:

  19. GroundCommander

    idk if it is just me but i am having terrible frame rate issues
  20. AlphaLemur

    I don't even need a Masters in psychology to see that your anti-social behaviour is clearly destructive. While he was trying to make some valid points, you on the other-hand, posted to offend.

    Some people should just refrain from commenting. Especially when they hold no value in terms of contribution. There was no reason or justification for you to say such things. You say you don't like people who come off as, well, what you said. But clearly you neglect to realise how you look just posting an insulting thing like that. Am I wrong about you? Perhaps, but are you wrong about him? Perhaps.
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