SC Goods Account-Wide

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JPRanger, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Rucky

    The only way this'll work is if we vote with our money. Don't buy. Unfortunately, I feel there is still enough cash flow to justify their continued high prices. Once things slow down though, I'm sure this option would be more closely scrutinized.
  2. JPRanger

    I feel like I started something :D anyways I'm thrilled to see Smed's twitter post about the topic. It's understandable that this wouldn't be an overnight thing, we'll all have to be considerate of that and simply keep an eye on the future of the game. Smed also mentioned that whenever this change takes effect it WILL be retroactive to past purchases, so anyone uncomfortably sitting on SC should be a bit more at ease with moving forward with their Planetside experience. Hooray for getting things done in the forums!
  3. Coppatop

    Please, PLEASE do this. I already have friends playing on multiple servers. I would like to be able to join them without being completely gimped.
  4. DirkDeadeye

    Reddit is fun.
  5. Lethalized

    The only thing locking it to one character will accomplish is that noone will play with friends on servers that aint their main.

    Wich could hurt the sales for SoE aswell.
  6. Badname2490

    if they plan to do this they need to do like a full blown refund for everyone.
  7. Mikenseer

    I agree with this as well.
    I myself played Beta, am an Alpha squad member, premium member, and have purchased a fair share of Station Cash.
    It does feel a bit cheating to spend real money on a single character when I will probably end up playing many characters on many servers in order to play with various friends.
  8. Thardus

    This, more than anything else, will likely lose players.
  9. Cronoc

    Already commented in multiple threads about this before, with TSR responses in them. Hope something is done soon.
  10. Nilbog

    I agree 100%
    Cosmetics should be account wide, regardless of faction.
    I was assuming at least the camo would be account wide.
    I wouldn't mind if it was applicable to weapons as well.
    With vehicles it could easily work with similar weapons etc. They all basically have the same stuff.

    Not sure how it would work with infantry weapons though, but I'm not against the idea.
  11. Cronoc

    In what world does adding value to something you've already bought necessitate a refund?
  12. Hermetheus

    Yup. /signed
  13. KrowAmes

  14. RobotNinja

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but...I believe En Vogue said it best, so I'll let them break it down:

  15. JPRanger

    [–]j_smedley 256 points 17 hours ago

    We are looking into this seriously. I would say we are over the "should we" part of the argument and into the "how can we" part. We've been reading the threads about this and it's fair to say we agree with the point of view that a lot of things you purchase should be account wide.
    Do not read this as "this is going to be in tomorrow". It's a significant amount of work. It sounds simple but there are a lot of ramifications and systems this touches under the hood.
    When we do this we'll make sure it's retroactive to stuff you've already purchased that falls under the account wide category. Obviously there are simple issues like empire specific weapons.. etc. That's where a lot of the complications come from.
    But we're looking closely at this and hope to announce something fairly soon.

    :D pretty sure I just might
  16. RobotNinja have to admit...En Vogue can rock it.
  17. shovelface

    Definitely signed. Please SOE, make this happen.
  18. Sturmhardt

    Aboslutely, I would buy more if I had the security that I could use it even if I switched to another faction on another server.
  19. Coldshutdown

    Signed, and totally agree. This or start having more station cash sales. 3x Station cash = unlocks on all characters.
  20. RichBits

    If and when this gets fixed SOE also needs to refund any duplicate weapons bought on two separate characters of the same faction if they were bought by station cash.