SC Goods Account-Wide

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JPRanger, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. JPRanger

    I feel like any purchases I make with SC should be applicable to any character under that same account. I love this game, I've contributed $50 and participated in beta/alpha squad because I don't expect a great thing to come for free. I want to do my part to support the development of a product that I enjoy; However I would feel much more secure in my purchases if they weren't limited to that one character that I purchased them for. I'm posting this to put forth my opinion and ask for the thoughts of any others, particularly the hard-working staff. Thanks for your time.
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  2. Choirandvice

    Yeah, for the two people I've tried and failed to bring into the game so far this was the major barrier.
  3. Blackmar

    100% agreed.
  4. VioletViridian

    Yeah, a few of my friends play so I started. Got a bit of SC but cant decide where to spend it then realizing how frustrating it is having faction restrictions per server and not being able to share stuff across characters. I wanted to scream right then and there. Although TR using VS weapons would be weird under your "fix". I think they should take the station cash you spend on the game and then change it to something like PS points and then give it to the other characters you have. That way $10 on one character is still $10 on every other character. Nifty huh ?
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  5. Skadi

  6. Cinc

    Your idea is good, but could result in me getting pretty much everything in the game with 1 50$ SC purchase.

    Also, we assume most people will atleast stick with a single faction when crossing servers, due to the fact tthat faction loyalties ussually run deep here. So if you bought VS weapons, we dont expect a TR to be able to use them. We just want another VS to have them.
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  7. Alexander Angelos

    Thank you good sir for bringing it up )
    Yes it would have been a lot better to have account wide unlocks like the alpha squad onece.

    Till this very moment, I don't want to buy nor spend any SC, even don't want want to play to earn credits.
  8. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    You guys bring some good points. Unfortunately, our support department does not have the ability to make these changes. I've gone ahead and escalated this suggestion to the appropriate department am on standby. I'll let you know when I get more info.
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  9. JPRanger

    Thanks for the support TSR AlexS. I also want to point out that I don't think it would be fair or appropriate for $10 of SC to simply equal $10 of SC on another character, for the same reason that Cinc brought up. I do however feel that if I buy an armor-piercing main gun for my Prowler, If I were to make another TR character for whatever reason, that main gun should still be available to me. I also don't think it would be fair for SC or any purchases to be transferable to a different station account. My view is only that characters under the same station account should have access to all the products purchased by that account. In my opinion, the amount of SC you have should be directly associated with your station account, not individual characters. Thanks again for the time and support Alex.
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  10. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    No prob JP. I'll include your additional suggestions into my report. This post WILL be updated once I get more info. :)
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  11. Luxiole

    AlexS, thanks for being responsive. Our feedback may sound harsh but it's because we care about the success of the franchise.

    Those who don't will simply quit for good.
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  12. JPRanger

    Glad to hear it! thanks again! :D
  13. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    Not harsh at all. What's cool about MMMo's is it's a living community. Players have every right to submit their feedback. The Dev's, Community, GMs, and everyone else are here to help. Together, we are molding an ultimate players game. I thank YOU for voicing your opinion. I will keep you guys posted.
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  14. Choirandvice

    Nice work dude. I know I've got 35000 SC just sitting around in my account but I'm kind of hesitant to spend it, and if I'm hesitant then I won't be able to throw more money at you guys!
  15. dracotonisamond

    same here. one friend quit because of the grind and the other quit after he decided he was going to spend money but found out items bought with SC aren't account bound. he was going to spend, but didnt.

    but things earned though pure certs should not be shared.
  16. Choirandvice

    Yeah I'm happy with that. I'm even happy with exorbidant cert costs for guns - it's a business and SOE have to make money somehow, while still giving free players an option. If it were much easier to unlock things with certs paying money would seem like a stupid idea.
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  17. PharmD

    I don't think having weapons tied to accounts is fair for Sony. What's stopping me from making 3 TR characters and allowing my friends to play on them? I could make one character for myself, unlock every weapon in the game with station cash, then proceed to make two more characters and allow my friends to play on them. They would have everything unlocked in the game without having to spend a dime. All I would have to do is give them my password and make sure we don't play at the same time.
  18. ME-tan

    The TOU for one. That'd be a good way to get the account banned.
  19. Artemesia

    That's a problem with the player, not the game, and it wouldn't be relevant if they went back to their own accounts to play with you or if you went to yours to play with them. If you all want the items, you've all gotta shell out.

    Personally I'd be happy if all the stuff I've purchased went cross character so long as it stayed faction specific, though it is a bummer I have to repurchase all of the cosmetic armor stuff that I bought as NC since I want to play VS with my friend... but that's a bullet I'll have to bite.
  20. Panzerdraco

    I can vouch that I bought $40 of SC but have yet to spend it due to hopping servers frequently. Living in Australia sucks when Briggs only has population for a few hours at night.
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