Sandy proximity repair cert not working ?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Browser_ice, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Browser_ice

    Again about the Sandy certs.

    I had bought the Sandy proximity repair cert but it does not seam to work at all. I was using it and a bunch of vehicles were beside me but I could not see any on screen messaes about any bonus for repair when they needed it.

    Again, is it just me or is it broke in general ?
  2. TSR-Jesse S Customer Service

  3. bishopau

    Make sure you have it equipped in your Sundy. Its not automatic and you have to choose the utility you wish to roll with, before you select it. Its a regular question in game. Perhaps SOE could have a pop up when you start buying equipment?
  4. WaRadius

    Proximity repair works fine. It's just that you don't receive any exp for having it.
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