[Suggestion] Sanctuary Shops

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by strove, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. strove

    Currently A7 weapons are the only sanctuary purchases that can be made outside of the sanctuary itself. With outfit resource conversions and merit purchases limited to sanctuary only. The merit purchases, especially once these new tactical options and slots are added with todays patch, need to be restocked reguarly. Having to leave your squads area of operations, especially as a squad or outfit leader to exchange resources or get some extra merit consumables counter intuitive at the very least. Not to mention you may have to queue to rejoin the platoon you were leading on a high pop continent.
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  2. TRspy007

    Yeah they really tried to squeeze and impractical use for the sanctuary, which was a blatant waste of resources. I would have preferred that they implemented things as you say, instead of this current garbage.

    Its such a hassle spending stuff like merit that I've been sitting at 20k for a week now and still haven't warped to the sanctuary to spend it. Maybe I'd be more inclined if they removed the queues, but overall it's just a pointless waste of time and resources.
  3. strove

    I feel like the Sanctuary comes from an RPG MMO mindset where you could trade or duel people. Right now however its literally just shops that could have been put into the warpgates, its not like there arent empty buildings in every gate that have no purpose at all.
    In terms of making Sanctuary worth the time invested, duels and squad v squad with the ability to train against your friends and against other factions would atleast be interesting. Actual reasons for players to want to physically be there rather than it just being a long winded way to access a different UI that we could have had at a button press or terminal.
    Either way, the shops need to be accessible via warpgates at the very least.
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