S/SF weapons not filling their roles well, poorly balanced

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Voidsnore, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. Voidsnore

    Solstice SF:
    TTK on this weapon is simply too poor to be an all-rounder. You are woefully inadequate at close ranges.

    TRAC-5 S:
    Accuracy on this weapon is simply too poor to be an all-arounder, especially being the highest horizontal recoil one and having to sacrifice the forward grip to access an underbarrel.

    Gauss Compact S:
    This is the only somewhat good one: It has highest vertical recoil so compensator access helps it more than the other two. It has low enough horizontal recoil that not using a forward grip is less painful. Its TTK isn't great, but not terrible either like the SF.

    These weapons should not simply be downgraded default guns with more attachment options, as the attachment options do not benefit them equally.

    I think both Solstice SF and TRAC-5 S should be redesigned to benefit more from the attachment options available, and keeping in mind that not having forward grip is a big deal for higher horizontal recoil weapons it would probably be best to push them both up to 167dmg tier.

    The ARs are in a similar situation, while the LMGs don't have underbarrels and are a separate issue I'd say.
  2. Kidou

    Well I actually like my Solstice SF... For Close range I typically use an Underbarrel shotgun, using it and swapping to the carbine is an excellent way to make up the close range TTK.

    I always considered the S/SF weapons to be perfectly fine, considering they have the unique underbarrel attachments which add more than you think.
  3. Morpholine

    The S (or for VS, SF) weapons fill their role, simply because of the under barrel attachments only they can fit. Sure, they're slightly sub-par compared to their auto/stock versions as carbines, but the toys they can attach somewhat merit that difference.

    Burst fire variants, however, straight up suck. ALL of them.

    Why a weapon line that must be fired in bursts was given such high first-shot multipliers (given they will be, by their very nature, applied far more often than other recoil stats) is beyond me.
    • Up x 5
  4. radrussian2

    do you actually use them or are you just reading the stats? dont confuse the map for the territory. the solstice sf is a great gun and performs pretty well in any situation.
  5. Cest7

    Solstice SF was my first Auraxium weapon. It was a lot better when the UBGL was actually an M320 and not a peashooter. Since then I switched to UBshotty.

    Yes the weapons are direct downgrades over any other weapon, although they retain hipfire and ranged accuracy (Low bloom). You are not buying these weapons for the stopping power, you are buying them for versatility. Try spamming smoke grenades across a bridge during a huge fight, it does wonders.

    More attachment options would be good though, EMP grenade launcher for taking out high spawn beacons perhaps.

    Go all out ES with it and give me an UBPPA, UBMCG, UBJackhammer.
  6. Obyx

    The only thing I wish they'd change is how the kills are calculated/shown. If I kill someone with the UBGL or UBSG it would be nice if that were tracked/shown differently than if I'd simply shot them. Then at least perhaps I could use my favorite carbine without taking a dump on my DA Infantry stats.

    That and HVA effectiveness. Only 5% velocity increase? Come on.
  7. Paragon Exile

    The variant weapons should be decommissioned and rolled into the basic default gun (i.e the equinox and equinox burst are removed and the Pulsar gets their stuff). That would really make the issue go away and reduce clutter.
  8. Prudentia

    my Solstice SF became obsolet the instant i got the eclipse. a solticemounted on the UBSG is just straight up superior to a mounted SF. smoke is the only thing that gives the SF variant any right to exist
  9. FieldMarshall

    Giving up grip/laser and using a crappy gun (compared to he alternatives) to get UB attachments would be fine, if the UB attachments didnt suck.