The blue should be how far you can place the router right? Well I'm in range but it doesn't work. : ( It also shouldn't show up as green when you are far away! It should be like trying to place construction items in no-deploy zones where it remains red. : ( It so sucks thinking you are within range after going so far and avoiding plenty of enemies, ready to place your router, only to realize it doesn't work. : ( New people wouldn't even bother trying to place a router as they don't know to trust it. Also accidentally didn't post as a bug but a suggestion. : (
Does it work if placed outside of a (not shown) no deploy zone? Is that radius shown in blue 500m? (1 grid square)
When I tried out the new router range restrictions I didn't see any sort of indicator on the minimap at all ! Literally - walked away from the base and tried to place a router - got a message 'Too Far' (or something like that) so proceeded to walk back towards the base until the message stopped and the router was placed. Then came to the conclusion - may as well just remove them altogether. This was just after the update and things may have changed but I didn't bother trying again (only played a few times since though).