Freedom Over Oppression! Greetings Auraxians! RiRe - The Righteous Reborn is an outfit dedicated to creating and preserving the NC dominance on Jaeger. We are recruiting like minded people in joining our outfit. We are currently looking for people who enjoy working as a team. We bring tactics and determination to fights filled with chaos and heavily emphasize following orders. Formed off the backbone of a gaming group, we are currently seeking to expand our numbers on PlanetSide 2. Requirements: - A sense of humor is a must. - We do not discriminate based on age, religion or gender, etc. - Although we are laid back and joke around, having a certain level of maturity is a requirement. - Follow your squad leader/platoon leader's orders, but do not be afraid to speak up. - Treat others in and out of the outfit with respect, this goes for the other factions too. - A microphone is incredibly useful, but not required. You do not need a mic to listen. What We Offer: - An environment to help others learn PlanetSide 2. - Tactics to help better achieve goals. - An active gaming community. - A Teamspeak 3 server for crystal clear communication. Application (Post in thread): - Ingame Name: - Most commonly played role (Class/Vehicle): - Why are you interested in RiRe?: - Do you have a microphone?: - Are you willing to use teamspeak and work as a squad?: - Do you have any Squad Leader unlocks/Interest in leading a squad?: Think you got what it takes? Contact Alduine, Aegall, or Shoober in game.
Jonesing25 Engineer / Sunderer, Vanguard Need a dedicated oufit Yes absolutely I have a spawn beacon / I am able to lead a squad with orders from a platoon leader and clear comms channel
Moneypants MAX , Light Assault / Flash Why are you interested in RiRe? I'll work for any outfit that can run a full Galaxy drop. Do U Haz Mic? Oui. TS3? Also Haz Squad Leader Goodies: I've already got a Beacon, but I'm also gonna get full smokes once I've taken care of some higher-priority items. I'd be more than happy to help you start a ruckus somewhere. Anywhere. Everywhere.
Hey there jones and moneypants! Good to see your interest in our outfit! You're more then welcome to join us! Message me in game or hop onto our teampseak at: And we will get you setup! Alduine