BRO. The PPA not only ruined their fights, but my fights as well. Kill stealing while 100+ meters away! HUH. However, what I do despise is how the NC and TR are focusing on the Lancer next. That crap is BALANCED, and there is no need for a nerf. However, if they decide to limit range, give the Lancer higher velocity and no effect on damage.
Indeed, OP weapons were annoying, but as NC I'd say it's like reason #4 as to why we lose to Vanu. In fact I fear the most the wrath that will be felt as revenge for this nerf... I just know they are going to take it out on us.. with sadistic glee..
People SPEND HOURS AND SOME REAL MONEY on this stuff so if you SOE going to keep doing this stuff, you best return the certs/money.
I'm TR, but damn, give this man a cookie and a promotion! He should be given a title like Battle Priest Of The Vanu.
FTFY (fixed that for you). First quote was the original, second was with the correction made(i did bold the changed text to make it stand out more, but it's harder to see bold in quotes).
Funny how game balance suddenly becomes irrelevant when it comes to the other factions being fair. Compare the Lasher to the MCG. If the MCG isn't massively overpowered and outrageously EZMODE, I'll eat a Commissar Hat. The gun even has a spin-up that's supposed to balance it that is so quick it seems meaningless. I'm actually usually killed by the thing before I even hear it finish spinning up. Oh but hey, the VS gets an extremely low-damage low-accuracy weapon that mandates I fire it at people's feet to accomplish anything whatsoever with it. Because having one of the highest TTK weapons in the game as our 'heavy weapon' is totally balanced.
It's got splash and hits harder than a SAW. All of the HA specials are extremely niche, and the MCG IS massively OP it's just not being utilized properly (BRRT baby)
It's got splash so minor and accuracy so poor and a fire rate so low that in order to kill someone with the splash it takes longer than it takes to kill me with almost any other weapon in the game you can think of.
Because the PPA and the vast majority of VS weapons are not laser weapons? If they're not laser weapons why would we (as you point out) expect them to defy gravity like lasers or move at the speed of light like lasers? But the lore says that the VS have plasma weapons... and their current weapons act pretty similarly to what hypothetical plasma weapons should do. Maybe they need bullet drop, should move more slowly, and have severe damage degradation at range. But otherwise reasonable for plasma weapons.
AH. I just noticed. Well, mostly NC and TR are focusing on the Lancer. And MOST of the NC and TR are focusing on the Lancer. Seriously, everyone complains about it, despite not being the subject of attention in the past... So, what the hell is going on?
Cause you don't rain down death from the other side of the map, If people were using it from 200m away it would get nerfed into oblivion as well When you spin it up and going into a room, You could get a few kills but you are going to die using it. When you here it spinning up throw some nades into the door way or send a max = Dead HA
No. A Plasma weapon would shoot. And then the plasma would just disappear. Like smoke. The gun would need to form a magnetic "tube" in what the plasma could travel to hit a target. So a real plasma weapon would: -have very limited range -no damage after ~2m bacause it cools down -not be able to hit a NC Soldier because of the magnetic fields from Mag Cutter, Gauß weapons etc. The VS weapons are more like particle weapons. But they would need a magnetic field too. Only neutrons would fit. And then we again would have a penetrator with drop and dropping damage. Lasers are a whole other theme again.