The one thing I feel disappointed about this update is that I no longer have a reason to use the PPA. When I asked other people why they like the VS, they always tell me that VS have pew pew lasers - which makes it completely different from the other factions. Really? Lasers having bullet drops? Our lasers don't even travel at the correct speed damnit. "Why do you like playing as VS?" It's really simple. We have a few weapons that have remote resemblence of alien techonolgy. Thing likes Saron, Lancer, Spiker, S1 and the PPA. I may have missed a few, but these are just what came to my mind. Funny thing is though, they aren't even any more effective than your conventional technology. Besides that, some are even worse. The most 'technologically advanced' weapon in the VS arsenal is most definitely the PPA. Why? It resembles nothing like what the TR or NC have. This is what I find unique about VS. "It's alright then, the PPA is just modified." Yes it's still there, but this nerf fundamentally changes the characteristics of the faction known as VS. TL;DR Don't tell me VS is all about techonology when they aren't.
Quote Higby from "Higby Pls" broadcast: "We want to maintain faction flavors but without making rapid-fire 100m+ sniper cannons. We've adjusted the PPA to do more burst damage at close range but removed it's ability to kill infantry at long range." It's called "game balancing". I'm sorry you think the lore means you should have a significant advantage over the other empires. That's not how Game Design works.
No sympathy. I lost air hammer, Iwin shield (when it actually was an iwin shield and not he balance it is now) and still suffer the most from hit detection as NC. The canister has only been usable for a few months tops, while you've had the PPA going for ages. I dance on the sPPAm cannon's grave. Learn to use the new one and you'll find it's a hell of a lot funner than just point and click. Canister is terribad, but it's fun as hell to use. Who I sympathize with is TR. Hey get BORING weapons no matter how effective they are.
Seriously stop complaining. First of all VS mustn't have more powerful weapons for balance purposes. Secondly VS still has some of the fanciest and deadliest weapons in the game. My personal VS favourite is the Lancer, as it tears armor apart from extreme distances with no way to retaliate if used in a squad. Finally PPA isn't nerfed and it's just a different weapon now. The only reason I can think off why VS got disappointed about the PPA is because they slowly turned into a PPA farming faction, sitting in a harasser 300m away and firing purple orbs of doom at the spawnrooms. Now they can't do that as effectively as they could so they have to come closer and this actually puts them in danger of being fired upon. If you want to see a bad secondary weapon for a vehicle why don't you try the NC cannister?
FTFY oh and that Lancer is next buddy,hitting stuff from a spawn room a base away. ****'s ridiculous and it's already taken way too long to get balanced but I'm not saying the Ravens and Phoenix are any more fair they're just not as blatantly game breaking. TR and NC can't even approach certain bases against the VS in it's current state whether it was avoiding PPA as infantry or trying to follow the only road to a base while getting hammered by a near hitscan infantry AV weapon. It's for the gra8ter good.
Meh. Just Adapt. It'll be fine. Saron change was similar and just as effective (just in a different way)... PPA will be fine (just in a different way).
Brothers and sisters! Members of the congregation! We are gathered here today to celebrating the humble life of our favorite farming tool, the PPA, and mourn its inevitable passing into the afterlife, where it shall be joined with its brother, ZOE. May we remember the PPA fondly for how it impacted all our lives, and deaths. Let us recall how brightly it impacted upon the spawn shields, walls and floors of its enemies. Let us recall how it never settled for precision, and never sullied itself with the actual flesh of mortals in its most divine, unbloomed form. Recall, ye faithful, of its travels across great distances from high above, in places and upon highest cliffs and plateaus that only its servant-vehicles, yon tearful Magrider and grieving Harasser, could ascend. Oh ye faithful, let us turn now to the silver linings of our dear PPA's passing. Let us return to aiming, and skill, conservation of ammunition, and the fine discipline of burst firing. Yay, may we have traveled with our late PPA over the many cliffs, ridges and spires of this alien world, let us never forgot our faithful farming tool. Now, turn away, brothers and sisters! Let us find a new farming tool to exploit, and defend mindlessly, without the cold, heartless benefits that the sways of logic, reason and hard data allows. May we never forget, nor ever allow Forumside to forget, that we. Are. Not. OP! Amen.
Still watched vanu take over NC territory spamming PPA like it was never nerfed and still winning. I don't see why the "nerf" is a big deal. Vanu still takes over territory and camps NC and sometimes TR on miller without issue.
It's slightly amusing at least, whine threads about the new PPA. Just because the VS has high tech weaponry doesn't mean it should be better than what the NC or TR have access to just because of that one faction lore reason.. If SOE would follow that kind of game design VS would be OP as ****. 'but this nerf fundamentally changes the characteristics of the faction known as VS' oh come on. As if VS was defined by the PPA.. VS is still VS but with a less OP PPA, pretty simple.
certs are already back if you used it more than 30min... Can you give back to SOE all the certs you earned with PPA too?
Every single update, it's always the Vanu who gets the crappiest deal out of it. Every advantage we have is more or less gone. ZOE is absolutely useless now. Magriders went from something that can go toe-to-toe with prowlers and vanguards to being just a glorified floating harrasser. Our maxes are just glorified heavy infantry with the worst weapons ever. Saron is crap. Lancers are extremely slow-firing. We supposedly don't have bullet drop, but we actually still do, and we have horrendous recoil, making our supposedly superior pewpew weapons the worst weapons for long range. What else is there? Basically the most high-tech thing about Vanu left is our purple spandex, LOL. Oh wait. I can see what their next whine is about. Our HA Betelgeuse. Seriously. Was Luperza the only VS player among the devs?
you people will still be whining and complaining about vs weapons when we only have a beamer left. all this "its about lore" "its about balance" "its against farming" nonsense is plain hypocrisy. each and everyone of you wiseguys will jump at the first opportunity to farm the crap out of the other empires. *cough* vulcan *cough* one third minimum damage, half the magazine size and half the bullet "speed"? thats not a sensible adjustment, thats destroyinbg it. just remove the ppa from the game entirely and be done with it, but please stop pretending its about "balance".
Frankly I'm surprised the PPA lasted in it's current state as long as it had. If it weren't for the last Saron nerf the PPA might still be untouched, since prior to that it was considered a "lackluster" weapon, and rarely seen on the battlefield.
Didn't you know? Many VS players pick VS because having "alien technology" means that their weapons should have an absolute advantage over the other factions. Forumside gets more fun every day.